Corals and Bioload


New member
Do corals increase the bioload of a tank enough that we should only add a couple at a time. Are they as heavy of an increase as fish or is it less?
slower is better, but i dont think because a bioload...

not sure dont trust only me on that, try posting in reef discussion, moere people look at it
I never really have that problem simply because I don't have eneough money to go and buy a ton of corals :). I usually add one or two small pieces every 2 or 3 weeks at the moment. I am very selective on what I get and read up on it (ever since my impulse flower pot buy) to make sure every coral I add will play nice in my tank and will be adequate for my light and water conditions.
Its better to go slow. Corals become stressed during shipment and tranfers. During this time they can discharge toxins in small amounts. Running fresh activated carbon is always a good idea after adding new specimens.
Believe it or not coral's actually reduce the overall bio load.

If you're doing it right and qt'n them first there should be no problem with adding a bunch at the same time.
I'm with O'Brien on this one. Coral filter feed your tank better then most filters. Sure coral expelle waste but not in the ammouts that fish do. Large amounts of coral actually make water changes stretch. I do a water change on my 58 gallon once a month at the most.
Alright then, Thanks for all of the advice. I didn't think about the release of toxins due to stress but I guess that would make since.

I've found when I add more than a couple corals at a time [like monthly] ... I don't give the corals as much attention and often at least one suffers because of it [don't keep as close an eye as I can, or one becomes unglued, or I put the prettier coral in the visible spot - when another would probably best in those conditions.

I've not had bioload problems, but have lost a handful of frags that way - mainly through poor glue attachment [mostly Acropora] and just not noticing the first day or two they fell into the rockwork ...

After a month, they've grown onto the rockwork, or have stabilized and are acclimated to their conditions ...don't need as much attention [and having looked at them 100 times, I won't forget about one of the 5 new corals for a few days]