Coris wrasse ate my clam!


I caught my Coris wrasse taking big chunks out of my crocea tonight!

At least 2 pieces are missing from the once perfect mantle. :(

Ironically, I got the Coris to protect the clam from the parasitic pyramid snails I have in the tank.

The Coris still had white stripes on him; didn't change into adult colors yet. :confused:

Anyways, I watched the Coris until it dug into the sand for the night...and scooped him out with a net. I have never been so lucky with catching a fish in my life. I got out my nets half expecting a futile attempt, but I lucked out!

He's sitting in a bag floating in the sump awaiting the ole LFS trade-in tomorrow.

Maybe I'll get some frozen silverside in exchange.
If you have seen any pyramid snails in the past, see if the LFS will trade for a six-line. I have not seen them damage any of my clams. I did have the same experience with a coris that needed removal :(
I have a six line in anoyther tank and he's never bothered anything except my clowns...that's no big deal cuz the wrasse won't venture into the anemone.

I just read that six lines don't do a good job on the snails so I wanted to try a Coris in my infested tank.
grapes of wrasse

grapes of wrasse

Hi Alvin,
I can't believe your Coriss is eating the clam after just talking about that. I'm so sorry to hear that! I hope your clam is ok. I'm glad you were able to catch the wrasse. That's a miracle.
I was just looking at this forum because your tanks and clams have inspired me to break the clam fast and get another one. Anand is also very excited about getting a clam. He loved all of yours.
Re: grapes of wrasse

Re: grapes of wrasse

darcitananda said:
grapes of wrasse
That was too funny.

I traded the Coris for a pack of silversides. I think I got the better end of the deal...damn evil fish. The clam looks fine except for the cosmetic inuries. I got all my clams from Eddy. Just my opinion...I wouldn't touch a certain S.F. LFS's clams with a 10 foot aiptasia.

Wow, so Anand wants a clam. Betcha he's going to become a reef addict like the rest of us. :)
