Corner Overflows/Return on 180?


New member
I'm putting together my 180 but trying to figure out what return pump to go with from my basement sump. Using the head loss calculator is confusing, but best I can figure I'm between 16.5 and 19' of head loss.

What pump would be best for efficiency and output? What are people running?

Will the 2, 1" overflow pipes and 2, 3/4" returns allow for enough flow?

Please help. Can't finish till pump is ordered.

Iwaki MD70RLT. It will give you about 900 gph at 20' of head pressure and the Iwakis are famous for reliability. I'd get one myself if they weren't so noisy. They're just perfect for a basement sump that requires a high pressure return though IMHO.
I have a pan world now that is silent!, but i'm afraid they're not going to give me much in the way of adequate turn over. That's why I was thinking Sequence or Dolphin.