Crab hitchhiker ID help


New member
Hey, so I just found this crab on the head of one of my hammer corals eating away at something (unknown if it was the coral he was eating or not). I only found him by luck as the lights were out. He's about 2cm big. Just wondering if this is a good crab or not and the possible name of it! I have him caught right now until I figure that out.


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Hey, so I just found this crab on the head of one of my hammer corals eating away at something (unknown if it was the coral he was eating or not). I only found him by luck as the lights were out. He's about 2cm big. Just wondering if this is a good crab or not and the possible name of it! I have him caught right now until I figure that out.


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bad crab
Okay so I'll keep him trapped. Anyone know what kind of crab this is?

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Looks awfully like a gorilla crab to me. I had a few lurking in my tank recently eating my montipora. They are pretty quick but I managed to get them out eventually. Turkey baster and small tweezers were my weapons of choice. Good luck!