crab in birdsnest, m. confusa? pics


Formally registered membe
here is a good pic of the crab in the birdsnest.

and here is the birdsnest from further away.

and here is what i believe to be a montipora confusa.

and here is the best pic i have managed yet of my first acro, grown from a small frag, maybe a valida..
crab is harmless only be worried about the hairy crabs that come in some arco's as they will eat polyps off the coral. Yours is harms less and actually helps clean corals od detruis and anything else that might fall in your coral colony. I have serveral crabs like that in my corals and they don't bother the coral as I get good growth still.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=7094460#post7094460 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by drock59
nice pics. Question about hairy crabs....unless i see them doing damage are they OK?

There are two points of view on this subject. One is wait and see if damage occurs (the kinder/gentler approach) and the rip 'em out and kill 'em (why take the chance approach)
Two good points. Mine is actually not residing in a coral but rather, rocks. This makes me believe he is harmless and I seee no damage to my coral.

Should I try and find him at night? Just wondering when the best time for crab watching would be.
i have one wandering around the tank as well, i see him every few months, and since i notice no damage around the tank i have to assume he is harmless.
ive seen one in my rock about 1 inch in size. I havent seen him for about 2 months now, but i always see hes molted claws and legs every so often.