Crazy huge mushroom feeding, pics.

For anyone wondering about max size here is a part of a article from advanced aquariast online.

"Amplexidiscus appears like an extremely large Rhodactis, but it is distinguished by some features of its nematocysts. It also grows slightly larger than most Rhodacits spp., with a maximum diameter of approximately 20 inches (50 cm). Amplexidiscus fenestrafer is the only species recognized in the genus, though there may be a second species according to a researcher named Chen (Charles Delbeek, pers. comm.). Amplexidiscus fenestrafer is a piscivore, and it apparently uses an attracting and intoxicating scent to lure fishes into the folds of its oral disc. It slowly closes around the fish until it has trapped it within the sac formed, and then it digests the fish with mesenterial filaments. In the aquarium Amplexidiscus fenestrafer can trap fishes, but it can also be maintained and fed dead fish. Most fish learn to avoid it, but there is always a risk that Amplexidiscus fenestrafer will trap and eat your favorite fish. Reproduction in A. fenestrafer is typically by pedal laceration or budding, but fission is occasional."

I looked for pictures but they all look different. I also can't find any for sale, but I don't think they're rare. I wish mine would start spitting out babies already, it just keeps growing. BTW mine came from LA on a combo mushroom rock and was the size of a quarter when I got it.
when i looked up the net on Amplexidiscus fenestrafer, this come up.

"The species is characterized by absence of the marginal tentacles (the lobes on the margin of the disc are not the tentacles in our opinion) and simple cone-shaped discal tentacles. There is usually distinct bare zone on the disc separating peripheral discal tentacles from more central discal tentacles."

1.absence of the marginal tentacles
2.simple cone-shaped discal tentacles
3.usually distinct bare zone on the disc separating peripheral discal tentacles from more central discal tentacles."

so i think it is not Amplexidiscus fenestrafer

look at the pics on the ff links
> the "usually distinct bare zone on the disc separating peripheral discal tentacles from more central discal tentacles." is very distinct

> here theres is really "no marginal tentacles" and we can see the "simple cone-shaped discal tentacles"

here the cone shape tentacles


you can see the distinct "bare zone"


a good pic with the 3 characteristic of Amplexidiscus Fenestrafer
I know it does not fit but here are a couple of my favorite turtle pics.

Taken off of Roatan.



Here is pic of mine. I was just about to post a "what is this" post when I saw this one.


After looking at the links that Jun77 posted I'm sure mine is a "Discosoma neglecta". Here is the link I followed from the Advanced Aquarist post the Jun77 listed above

Let me know what you think. Could this be the reason I can't located my mandarin and sleeper gobie anymore?

BTW: Mine has left me over 6 babies to deal with. They all swell up and curl up when I feed the tank. I do not directly feed any of my mushrooms and all or either splitting or dropping babies. Also... the momma is about 6 to 8 inches wide.
I know. I got it from as a green hairy mushroom for only 5 or 10 dollars. I just walked in this morning thinking "wow, I can't believe the picture of one eating a fish" and saw a whisker sticking out of mine. It looks a lot like a shrimp whisker and I can longer locate my fire shrimp!
are these guys poisonous? My stingray mysteriously died and I got one of these 2 days ago. I know they have a seductive scent but is it in anyway poisonous when stressed? I doubt it, I just want to know why my ray died :(
I think I am going to remove mine from the tank. Is anyone interested in it or in a trade for it and the l'il ones??
Here's a picture of my tank, you can see huge mushroom toward the left. It's about 8in in dia and have never caused any trouble. The only thing that bugs me is that it keeps getting bigger and bigger and taking up space in the tank.
Wow, huge mushrooms.

My frilly green mushroom is 4-5 in in diameter.

I once saw a hermit crab fall on it. The mushroom closed around it and I thought the hermit was done. A few minutes later I saw the hermit climbing out of the closed mushroom.

Both hermit and mushroom are fine, but what an adventure! Wish I took some pics.