Criticize my tank! 120 gal garden reef

I am curious as to the reason for hanging the corals, I think its a great idea...I think :fun2:

Seriously though I'd like to know the advantage? I like the looks of them hanging like that. It looks like a dark string of some kind? Monofilament fishing line would be cool because it would be nearly impossible to see if you used something like 1 lb test.

Awesome looking tank btw. Never heard of a Fu Man Chu before but if I can assume the cool looking fish with the mustach, he is awesome! Gonna have to check them out and read up on them now.

Great setup indeed! :thumbsup:
very nice setup

very nice setup

personally i would scrap the xenia or cloves whatever it is that stuff willl spread over your corals.
One word...

One word...

Occasionally our LFS gets something good in at a reasonable price but for the most part we shop online from stores in larger centers and trade amongst ourselves.

I started this thread to show to myself that I could take criticism for my tank because so many people become very offended if you say anything negative about their systems or what they keep in them. I dont seem to be getting very much of that but thanks for all of the compliments so far!

I have one word to say about this tank.... PHOTOSHOP ! :eek1:

Seriously, it's remarkable. Nothing to criticize if it works, which it obviously does... Congratulations.

Sorry about the lionfish. Thanks for sharing.

lol I wish I owned and knew how to use photoshop. All pictures were taken with a Canon Powershot on Manual in Underwater mode with the ISO value adjusted appropriately.

Coral Culture in Suspension by Anthony Calfo

The frags are hung by very thin fishing line (4 lbs test) however I do get an annoying amount of slime and algae growing on the line so that is why they look thick. The main advantage for me is that I can fit a lot more frags into a standard 50gal by suspending them.
Nice progress! did you change your lighting?

My old lighting was a 36" Aquamedic Oceanlight with 250W 13K Giesemann MH plus T5 actinics. My new lighting is two Lumenmax 3 pendants with 250W 14K Phoenix bulbs. I really like the Phoenix as they are without supplementation and I get much better coverage with the Lumenmax pendants.

personally i would scrap the xenia or cloves whatever it is that stuff willl spread over your corals.

I have gotten rid of nearly all of the Anthelia because it really was starting to take over. Plus it was just too much pink for my liking. I still maintain a small colony of it in my frag tank which I harvest from and sell. Easy soft corals like that generally do well in the town I live in.