crvz's hole in the wall

new to Rc but i'm glad i caught this build im stoked to see the outcome!!! Looks great so far Chris and you gave me some great ideas for my diy canoply build. i'll be watching.
thanks, Jesse!


A few more words on finishing the sump for Padrino and Veloboy. Once everything was done, the last effort is router the edges and then cutting out the eurobrace. First things first, ALWAYS wear proper PPE. Ear plugs and eye protection are a must.


Having enjoyed ER trips for catching table saw kickback in the face, and having suffered from excessive dB related tinnitus in the past, I don't do anything with power tools without first plugging up my ears and covering the peepers. Of course, this presents scenarios of needing new underoos when your wife sneaks up on you to offer lunch, but it's certainly worth it. For my projects, I've been using this bosch router with great success. A 3/8" flush bit works perfectly.


The first trick is to take off any overlap along the edges, as you need a flush edge before cutting out the eurobrace. I just run the router along the edges at a slow-ish speed to cut it cleanly. When done, you'll have two things. First, a fresh dusting of snow.


And second, a nice, smooth sump.


Next come the part which requires thought. You'll need to determine your bracing thickness, and I just went with an easy 2.5" since it's the same radius from the router bit to the edge of my router base. This is probably a bit on the small side, but since this is just a sump I wasnt worried about over-bolstering the eurobrace. I marked the lines for the eurobrace and crossbrace, then I simply clamped a board to the end of the sump. I use this board as a fence, running my router along the board and stopping when I get to my marked lines. (you'll have to drill a hole to get the router started, or course).


I do the long cuts first, but it doesnt really matter. Once those were done, I brought out the clamp fence and basically did the same thing for the other cuts. For the cross brace, again it's just 2.5", otherwise I would have had to make a more specific determination of where to put the clamp fence.


When you're done, there's nothing more than perpetual cleanup of acrylic chips!


- Always run the router so that if it comes off the fence it moves towards the middle of the sump and it can't ruin the brace
- When cutting the eurobrace, never allow the acrylic parts to fall into the sump; they will break off before the cut is finished, and you'll end up breaking the brace.
- Do this in an open area that's easy to sweep up, as the acrylic chips are really a pain.
- When cutting the eurobrace, never allow the acrylic parts to fall into the sump; they will break off before the cut is finished, and you'll end up breaking the brace.

Thanks for the update! It was really helpful. One question. How do you do this properly won't the weight of the center piece that your cutting want to naturally fall in? Or do you tape the other cut edges?
Thanks for the update! It was really helpful. One question. How do you do this properly won't the weight of the center piece that your cutting want to naturally fall in? Or do you tape the other cut edges?

That's certainly one options, and probably a good one. What I did was cut three directions, and then cut the fourth about 2-3" away from where I want the eurobrace to actually be. So yeah, it does fall into the sump, but the part that breaks from the weight is relatively benign, as I'll go back and cut the eurobrace along the line I want and it won't break. The weight of the 2-3" strip isnt enough to crack the acrylic.
Looking at some of my corals, I've got a bit of turf algae in some very isolated places. I'm thinking of driving my mag up to ~1500ppm for a while to see if that wipes it out. Anyone have success with this? And suggestions on how to elevate the magnesium safely? I'm about to get test to see what my level currently is.
Thanks for the write-up CR. You make it look so easy. Thanks for asking the question padrino - that was my first thought after reading the writeup. Acrylic chips are a pain, seems like you never get them all up, even with the help of a shop vac.

Sump looks great. Can't wait to see it with H2O in it.

Can't you just use 2-part to slowly increase your mag? Slowly keep adding until desired level achieved? Will Kent TechM work on turf algea?
Can't you just use 2-part to slowly increase your mag? Slowly keep adding until desired level achieved? Will Kent TechM work on turf algea?

2 part what? I'm looking at getting some magnesium chloride and magnesium sulfate in order to maintain it at the elevated level. I may just get some epsom salt tomorrow (magnesium sulfate), but I've read that using just that will knock out of whack the suflate/chloride ratio in the tank (without large water changes, upwards of 30% a month). I have read that folks who have tried using the Kent product have had negative coral response, so I'm trying to keep away from that.
I love me some fragswaps. I took advantage of the local club swap to start repopulating my acro collection, came how with 12 acros including a couple torts, purple slimer, austera, turaki, a milli, and an amazing blue stag with green tips. Pictures to follow acclimation. Much obliged to those who were selling, very generous frag sizes.
I wanted to document these pieces more for myself than anything, as I tend to forget when I get things and what they're called. Most of these are doing great, but the blue tip slimer started to RTN on me. It was showing signs before I got it, so I fragged it yesterday and hopefully I can save a good part of it. I think a number of these have some potential for coloring up, but only time will tell. Maybe a few will enjoy the eye candy, as well. Click the thumbnails for larger versions.

Tyree Bail Tricolor ................ Turaki............................... Oregon tort

Insane Millepora ................... Blue Tip Slimer................... Cali tort
And the rest.

Steve Elias Stag .................. Purple Slimer ..................... Teal Austera

Gemmifera ......................... Bali Solitarius Table............... Green tip blue stag

Ooo, look at me! I'm building a sump and bought new pretty corals!

Just kidding man. :lolspin:

I've been following your thread and I'm just jealous becuase you seem to be getting things done while I can't seem to started on mine.

Keep the pics coming! Always like to see the updates!

Ooo, look at me! I'm building a sump and bought new pretty corals!

Now I don't want to show the sump filled up. ;) I've got it running with tap water right now, there were too small spots on the internal baffles which do leak, but I'll fix those after I let it run for a week or so. I've got a mag 9.5 running, so at over 700gph water flow through the baffles was completely laminar. That's encouraging, as I expect to push over 1000gph through the sump. I'll try to get some pictures tonight.
Here's a picture of the sump filled up. You can see how smooth the flow is, which is moving from left to right. I'll leave it up for a couple weeks just to ensure that it will hold water, though I'm sure that's overkill.

Nice sump build Chris. Nice corals also, especially the Solitarius and the Green tip blue stag. I have the last one myself and it is definitely one of my favorites!

Sump turned out awesome and the frags you pick up look first class for sure!
Nice work. What is the flow like in the DT?
