In other news, last night I noticed my AC was leaking. It's supposed to drain, but water was coming out of the casing. I always had my suspicions on the quality of this unit, as I was able to see broken insulation taped back together inside the vents. So while the packaging and external casing looked fine, and the unit works, it looks as if it was damaged/dropped during manufacturing. Well, now with this leak, and the fact it runs 9amps of current, I'm not running it any longer. I've contacted the place I bought it, and the manufacturer, but I don't know what options will be. I may have to call the credit card company as well. This morning I went and bought a sharp brand at home depot, which is far superior to the sunpentown I bought, but it does not have manual controls (so if power cuts out, this thing is not coming back on automatically).
But last night I was really irritated. As in, thoughts going through my head about just scrubbing the whole project. Extreme, I know, but it's hard when a hobby demands more resources (particularly time, as I was up late last night troubleshooting this AC unit) than I'm willing to give. Long term I certainly get so much joy out of it I knew it would be a mistake, so I did nothing drastic, but it was one of those nights.