Team RC
pics, pics, pics. :rollface:
pics, pics, pics. :rollface:
Showtime! 300DD?
So here it is now. It's still busy, but in the future I won't have any power cord plugged directly into this board. Instead, I'll have outlets placed around the room to where hardware is located. Right now, my sump is located immediately below this panel, so there are a lot of power cords plugged in.
Hmmm, please elaborate.
Personally, I would recommend that you have your cords running over to the panel and that minimizes the chances of water getting into your outlets and tripping GFIs. That's something I am fighting with right now. Getting water from places I had not planned for - example: the fish room sometimes gets hotter than water temperature and this is causing condensation on the drain lines. Condensation is dripping onto places I wasn't expecting. Another common source is the cold water lines feeding the RO/DI. We're seeing a lot of condensation there as well. Just a few things to think about.
Thanks guys.
Carlos, did you have a typo in that second to last sentence? I didnt really have coral coloration issues, but I guess they could have been better. My intent is to run the tank mostly the same as my previous system, though I do plan to run a small sand bed (1" or so). We'll see how that goes, but I certainly want to avoid any more overhead as possible. I've never run a fuge, so I doubt I'll have a dedicated portion of the sump for that (though I designed in the space for it).
hey chris, you might want to put some of the star board down before putting in the sand. this way, if you change your mind about the sand, you can just siphon it out and be in the same place your old tank was.
great job on the progress btw.
That's a super-dope tank Chris! :thumbsup: I really wanted to go with a 150DD but room size constraints and living functionality limited me to the 93g Marine Land cube (which is arriving tomorrow, yeay!)... I might be forced to post up a build log as well. Looking good, keep up the nice work!
Of interest.
:bounce1: When's water going in?!?!? :beer: