New member
I know this comment is days late and dollars short, but I just finished reading your entire thread. It has been very interesting as I also believe strongly in much thought and fore planning. Great read.
Regarding hypo salinity treatment for parasites, I had a friend a few years ago that kept large angels and Tangs and predators in VERY large tanks and had many fish that were more than 20 years old. Whenever he saw any sign of ich or other parasites, he would immediately drop the salinity of his tanks from 1.023 to approximately .6 to .8 with a massive water change of straight RO water. I was skeptical of this practice until I personally observed the almost immediate impact this had on the parasites. He would run the tank with a salinity at this level for about 20 days before slowly raising the salinty back to that of natural seawater without the fish showing any ill effects.
He obviously had the benefit of running FOWLER tanks where invertebrates would not be an issue.
Regarding hypo salinity treatment for parasites, I had a friend a few years ago that kept large angels and Tangs and predators in VERY large tanks and had many fish that were more than 20 years old. Whenever he saw any sign of ich or other parasites, he would immediately drop the salinity of his tanks from 1.023 to approximately .6 to .8 with a massive water change of straight RO water. I was skeptical of this practice until I personally observed the almost immediate impact this had on the parasites. He would run the tank with a salinity at this level for about 20 days before slowly raising the salinty back to that of natural seawater without the fish showing any ill effects.
He obviously had the benefit of running FOWLER tanks where invertebrates would not be an issue.