Brett, I'd bet it depends on the QT for your main question. I've got this 120 gallon stock tank that has 100 pounds of live rock. While not great for a hospital tank, if I wanted to use it to QT fish it would do rather well, and I don't think there would be much of a difference between that and the main display. Now, if I was aiming at a 30 gallon QT with a 6" naso tang, that may be a different conclusion.
I'd also point out that the fish, when I got them, appeared incredibly healthy. Which makes me think... could they have gotten ich from my main display? Say our foxface is not sensitive to outbreaks, but carries the parasite and has for years (which I wouldnt be surprised about), putting them in the QT for 4 or 6 weeks may have never brought out an issue. Then I stick them in the display, and poof. Plausible, though I can't know that now. But I'd like to overcome this problem long term so that, with new additions (which will now go through the QT process... I didnt do it the first time because I only had 1 other fish in the display tank), I won't be risking these guys.