crvz's hole in the wall

Picked up this guy before. I'd never really heard about them (black backed wrasse, Anampses neoguinaicus). Though I'm not convinced it will be entirely reef safe, it's currently in observation in the mangrove tank. Eating frozen pretty well, hopefully it will take to its new home.

I've had some nutrient issues... I think the mangroves and the tangs keep algae away, but corals started receding (especially the red monti cap). I let it go for months without investigating (the coral issues), but finally tested and nitrates were probably over 50ppm (maybe off scale high depending on who was reading the salifert color chart). I've been doing 50 gallon water changes every 2-3 days, gotten some media for phosphate (which was 0.75), and added some carbon. Trying to skim a little more aggressively as well, and I pulled out a lot of the dead or dying montipora. Which resulted in getting bitten by the trigger fish hiding in said coral. Whoops. Heres a today shot (without the halides on... just the LED illumination light and then the bleed through light from the mangroves on the right).


I'll keep up the maintenance and then hope to get some more stony corals in a few months. I had been working a lot around the house doing non-tank stuff for a while (woodworking projects, garage stuff, etc), but I've gotten more into the hobby a little and hopefully that will keep going.
Also on the mangroves, I've added a few flood lights (though I've already changed these bulbs) and lowered the Kessil LED down for a few new clams. I like clams a lot, though I had a number of them die a few years ago (three of which were around 8"). I'm going to try again in this side tank. I also got two hippopus, simply because they were cheap and I've never tried them before. We'll see how it goes, there hasn't been great availability online for clams that I've seen these last few weeks.





I also found this black shelled snail in the tank. I don't trust it.

Glad to see you are getting things back in gear! Love the clams. I am doing the same. I just finished testing every parameter in two of my tanks. How long have you had the ones in the satelite tank?
Glad to see you are getting things back in gear! Love the clams. I am doing the same. I just finished testing every parameter in two of my tanks. How long have you had the ones in the satelite tank?

The two derasa have been in there a couple months, but the hippopus and maxima are new additions. I would like to find a few squamosa, but I don't know if the general cold throughout the US is slowing imports or what, as I haven't found anything for a while. Aside from spendy blue ones, which I might be dumb enough to try.
1 year later. Tank is doing well overall. I don't spend near enough time watching water parameters other than salinity and temp. Coral growth isn't great, but fish are doing well and to the casual observer it's very well received. The one thing that I'm unsatisfied with is that I can't seem to keep clams. They were all wiped out a number of years ago but something (whether parasite or bacteria, I don't know), and every time I try to introduce one it fails. Shrug. I still enjoy the hobby, just don't spend a ton of time on the internets any more.
:thumbsup: wow it's been a long time. It I got a notification you updated the thread lol
Lol unfortunately no tank any more. Have to live vicariously! Glad to see a few of the old fang still have tanks going though.
I can't keep clams in the tank, they never last. So I set up another tank just for trying clams again. I'm a sucker for the giant clams.

However, the mangroves are doing well. Near 3' tall. I'm thinking of moving them, but I've killed some before trying to do so. Has anyone successfully moved mangrove trees? I'm thinking of just taking huge chunks of sand with the trees if ever I do anything. But wet sand is no picnic.



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Buy a gigas from LA they are on sale this week. I bought one from FJW a few months ago when ORA first offered them and it has already doubled in size.
Building a new tank for the mangroves. Thought I'd brand the exposed side of the overflow box. More pictures as it comes together.




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Got the new mangrove refugium set up. In doing so, I found what I think might be 1 eunicid worm, though it was in 4 pieces that are still squirming around in a bucket. Hopefully that's all there is to the worm, and there aren't others that where transferred with the shovel scoops.

Here's the new mangrove tank.


And the worm.

I love the new setup!


As do I, the mangrove is the most unique I've seen.

Thanks! I didnt really think much over it, just trying to make a space to mimic some of the mangrove type tanks I’ve seen at various aquariums. They’ll have to grow a lot to get to that stage, but that’s the idea. I have a couple clams in the middle section, and I’m hoping they can grow well there.