Curious Wormfish help


According to UPS, my fish (Gunnelichthys curiosus) is going to arrive in about an hour. I did tons of research but I really couldn't find much information on the fish so I was wondering if anyone has experience with this fish. I heard they like to burrow when scarred/sleeping. My sand bed is 2 inches deep and in some areas are around 4 inches because of my Diamond Watchman Goby, which I think would be deep enough.

Heres the place I ordered it from:
They're going to act much like firefish. They're very skittish, prefer to be among their own kind, and are liable to jump if they're spooked.
You should be able to get them eating cyclops, rotifers, and any ova foods without much effort.
Do you recommend I get another one so it has a friend? The acclimation process went well. it's attempting to hide near some dry rock
You'll see more of it with a friend, or two friends. They're normally colonial, as most of the wormfish gobies are, so they'll nest near to each other around a common safe area. The more you have, the more eyes the colony has to watch for threats, so the more comfortable they'll feel swimming out into their safe zone. You'll see much the same behavior in firefish. Larger groups offer safety in numbers, so the normally shy fish will get a bit braver.