Custom Tank Builders - Tennessee or Surrounding?


New member
Besides Glasscages as I'm already aware of them, are there any other custom tank builders either in Tennessee or neighboring states? I don't mind to drive a bit, but I'd rather not pay steep shipping prices on a 150g or bigger tank.

I'm thinking of having a 48x30x24H tank built, with stand and canopy. Oh, yes, that's the other requirement. They need to also build stands and canopies.

Of course, if you know of one that's decently priced even with shipping, I'm all ears. Or eyes. Or whatever. :facepalm::D

Check SCA, highly recommend them, also check lighting filtration forum for the SCA owners club, tons of comments from a lot of happy SCA owners, myself included.
I think they are the best deal going for a low iron glass tank, lots of size options, custom overflow options, great CS.
Check SCA, highly recommend them, also check lighting filtration forum for the SCA owners club, tons of comments from a lot of happy SCA owners, myself included.
I think they are the best deal going for a low iron glass tank, lots of size options, custom overflow options, great CS.

WOW they have really nice stuff, and the prices are reasonable :beer:
Another vote for SCA. They used to include shipping in the advertised price. When I bought mine, Steve was offering 10% off any Ecotech stuff if purchased at the same time as the tank and if he could include it within the tank crate and didn't have to ship it separately.

They make a very nice tank. In stock ones go out immediately. Customs ones can take up to 12 weeks. They wait until they have a full container of tanks to ship them.