Cutting Holes in Acrylic


New member
I have cut many holes into glass tanks with diamond hole saws but have never cut an acrylic tank.
The google searches seem to say any hole saw will do as long as you use water to keep it cool (same as with glass cutting)

I was just wondering what other people are using. Since I have the diamond cut saws should I stick with that or is the standard hole saw a better choice?

Also is speed of the drill at all important?

Any info on doing this for an acrylic tank would be appreciated.
I use a hole saw but run it in reverse so the theeth do not get stuck and potentially breaking the acrylic.
Certain Aircraft use acrylic windows and Windscreens (windshields). Learjet's for example, have a 1" solid acrylic windshield, which allows them to have that distinctively sharp bend around the cockpit. I can't recall the angle, but the message is: it takes a lot less than a normal drill bit (angle), to drill into them.

So too it is with a hole saw. The Lesser the Cut, kerf, etc. is better. If you use a regular (wood) Hole saw normally, you'll cut radial cracks coming off the base material because the blade will grab and crack the material, followed by a profusion of cussing, followed with an "eh", to add that Canadian influenced dialect you speak.

The Monkey from Naperville is right. If you don't want to, or can't use a glass hole saw, spin a normal one, in Reverse, and MELT your way through at high speed. Just be certain to use a backing board for when you punch through.

(jdieck - I used to live in Warrenville, then Geneva later for 11 years. Go Cubbies!)
Did I read somewhere that the club purchased some diamond Hole saw blades for member use at some point in the past?

Or was that something that I read about some other club on a forum?

Or that could be just some flashback from the past(I did grow up in the 70,s)
hey guys thanks for the replies.
Thanks cobra for the offer to cut em for me. I have no problem doing the cuts and have all i need to do them, I just wanted some advice before I started since I had not done them on acrylic.

ducklabdad - I do not recall anything about hole cuts saws for the club. Doesn't mean we don.t, i just haven't heard anything.
I use a plain ole hole saw and masking tape. If you need to stop while cutting, pull out before taking your finger off the trigger, or it can get stuck. I've had that happen several times, but was lucky and got it unstuck without breaking the acrylic, but the oring gets pretty tight while trying to extract the saw;).