Cycling with TBS/Water Changes


New member
I have read several posts where ammonia never reached danger levels. Interested in hearing about if you did any water changes, and at what ammonia levels.
im just about at the end of the first shipment cycle, and i never did a water change in response to high ammonia/nitrite. i received the rock and sand in such great shape that the ammonia peaked at about .25

the only water changes ive performed so far are to dilute the nitrates, which are already peaking at about 20 ppm, probably due to the last of the dead/decaying matter

I am awaiting my 2nd shipment, ammonia peaked at 1.0, then nititrites at about the same. Did some major water changes, probably due to losing lots of sponges. I got very good with a steak knife :) Leveled off after about a week, now it's 0 ammonia, 0 nitrites, maybe 10 nitrates. (Found another baby brittle star today and a little fuzzy red starfish)
I have never had ammonia go higher than 0.25 or 0.30 and I have done many things wrong. I never pulled off any dead sponges or anything either.

Ammonia never went above 0.25, I am doing water changes of 20% every two weeks to get in the habit - not as a response to high ammonia. Also waiting for the second half of my shipment.