d2mini's 130g Rimless Cube

Simply Stunning, great attention to detail, my Wife love's the house and we both love the tank design.

We are trying to decide if your a professional photographer or an Architect :)

One question i have though is were do you get your water from for top-up's, do you have to do it manually? I note there is an RO/DI in the sump area but i can't see if it's plumbed to anything.

Looking forward to following your progress.
Simply Stunning, great attention to detail, my Wife love's the house and we both love the tank design.

We are trying to decide if your a professional photographer or an Architect :)

One question i have though is were do you get your water from for top-up's, do you have to do it manually? I note there is an RO/DI in the sump area but i can't see if it's plumbed to anything.

Looking forward to following your progress.
We are both graphic designers and I do photography on the side. ;)
What you are referring to as a RO/DI is actually my BRS Dual Reactor for GFO and Carbon. I just haven't filled it and got it running yet.
As far as top off water, I still need to do that. One of the walls in this room has the garage on the other side. I think I'll be installing an ATO container out there and will run a thin water line through the wall and behind the base board molding under all those windows and enter the stand where the power line enters into the stand. Still mulling this one over. For now it's manual top-offs every couple days.

I'm loving your build. I can't wait until your second shipment of rock comes in.
Thanks! Me either! :)
Less than two weeks in and ammonia levels are pretty much undectable.

Here's a few more pics of life on the rock and my urchin who was the first to move on up from the 46g Bow! :)
Hoping Part II of my TBS rock ships soon...



130g cube tank - check.
Rimless - check.
MP40w - check.
1xhqi + 4xt5 - check.
Cone skimmer - check.
Eheim return pump - check.

You have great taste :D I love it.

Looking forward to seeing this one develop, that reminds me I need to update my build thread :beer:.

Looking good D2. The "Herbie" method is by far the best I have used for a quite, no bubble sump. (I have tried Dursos, bubble traps and many more)
That TBS base rock looks better than most premium rock doesn't it? How are you liking the Vortech duo, are they running in a master/slave mode? How do they actually "sync" together? I am thinking I need to pick up a second one down the road.
The live rocks looks great. Lots of interesting life going on. So have you decided what type of fish you're getting?
Looking good D2. The "Herbie" method is by far the best I have used for a quite, no bubble sump. (I have tried Dursos, bubble traps and many more)
That TBS base rock looks better than most premium rock doesn't it? How are you liking the Vortech duo, are they running in a master/slave mode? How do they actually "sync" together? I am thinking I need to pick up a second one down the road.
I agree. Loving the Herbie method. The only little qualm I have with it is that the level in the overflow changes with the level in the sump. I don't have an ATO set up yet (will soon though) so this creates a little bit of an issue with dialing it in. But not that big a deal and it should resolve it self once my ato is setup.

Very nice setup!

The live rocks looks great. Lots of interesting life going on. So have you decided what type of fish you're getting?
Thanks! Have not decided yet, other than the clown and chromi from my old tank. Oh and at least one tang... one that's less likely to jump.
D2, just curious why your total sump level rises and falls with your overflow water level? The only part of my sump level that changes for me is the last chamber where my return pump is and that's only because of evaporation. I have 3 baffles on the last part of my sump that seperate the skimmer/reactor side from my return pump. I have not adjusted my gate valve in a month and the overlflow water level has not changed. I am looking to add an ATO as well, sorry not trying to hi-jack you thread...

D2, just curious why your total sump level rises and falls with your overflow hiegth? The only part of my sump level that changes for me is the last chamber where my return pump is and that's only because of evaporation.

I'm sorry if my post was confusing.
As the level in the return section of my sump drops due to evap (just like yours), the level in my overflow follows suit.
But once I install my ATO in the sump, the water level won't change and neither will the level in the overflow.

How's your i-tech working out?
I love it, but I am only running the 100 model. I will probably upgrade to the 200 model pretty soon since I have started adding more fish & corals.