Premium Member
What pH are you keeping your CaRx at?
Currently it's at about 6.94 with a real fast drip.
What pH are you keeping your CaRx at?
Currently it's at about 6.94 with a real fast drip.
My load is currently small so I am only dripping effluent at 1 drop every 6 seconds. I am thinking of raising the pH in the reactor, it fluctuates from 6.8-6.9, so I can drip a bit faster to create less problems with the needle valve. What do you think?
Low. Around 7.75-8-0What does your tank ph run with the reactor?
Amazing pictures!!!!! mad props on photo and reef skills
Fish look great!
I know you're a member of #TeamNeverQuarantine, do your fish ever show signs of illness and they just all fought it off?
Very nice shots. Are you using it off camera? I'm looking at making a couple removable rails to mount mine above the tank for pics.
Lookin Good Dennis!
I love the blue star leopard wrasse. That is my favorite fish of all time!
Really nice camera skills
Quick question Dennis... When you had your dino outbreak, were you using Fritz salt at that point?
I was reading somewhere that you had a small tank crash from a rusting magnet on your Nano mag? I had the same thing happen but it pretty much wiped out all my coral. Only coral standing strong is my leather coral and fish. How did you recover from this incident?