Can you post a new full tank shot? We would all love to see how the rock is doing.
Nothing has changed but here is a quick iPhone pic.
I did move my 6 year old blue plate coral into the tank.
dennis, great job! I just scrolled through the whole post which made me want a quick link that only shows the pictures...... you know like typical mens reading material... lots of pictures and not much else. Organization looks great, lets hope it inspires me enough when i start my next build.
haha, thanks!
D2 how did you like your chaeto compare with algae scrubber?
And I saw you had 2 different Masterflex pumps? Did it work well?
I like having the refugium, it was a real workhorse in my last tank.
And in the case of Triton, a algae scrubber isn't doing the same thing as the large refugium algae bed.
I have/had three CP pumps for different applications. ATO, AWC and the old CaRx. Worked well in all applications.
In other news... some good, some bad.
The bad news is one of the baby clowns jumped two nights ago.
And this morning i found the twin spot goby stuck to the Mp40. He seemed perfectly healthy yesterday.
I never seem to have good luck with tiny fish.
The good news is my nitrates are on their way down!
I'm down to around 12-14 from what I can tell with the Red Sea Pro kit.
Easily half of what I started with when all the rock and sand first went in.
This weekend I may get my dosing setup started.
Also bringing home my 5 year old yellow cup coral.