The springers are food for flatworms to boot!
Those must be some BIG flatworms!!! :eek1: :lol:
So just to update from the past week or so...
I'm now up to 7 fish.
In order of addition...
1 Seaweed Blenny
1 Royal Gramma
1 Juvi Wyoming White Clownfish
1 Powder Brown Tang
3 Springeri Damselfish
Feeding is up but Nitrates continue to fall and are down to about 10 ppm.
Food for the fish has been exclusively Larry's Reef Frenzy.
Food for the rest of the tank has been a daily dose of Reef Nutrition's PhytoFeast and some Oyster Feast mixed in with the fish food.
Occasionally some Reef Chili.
I have not checked P04 yet. Honestly I'm not all that interested in it.
The PB Tang pics on the rocks all day long. I haven't seen him eat Reef Frenzy or Nori yet, other than a quick pick at it. He ate fine in the store, so whatever algae is on the rocks is fine with him so it's fine with me.
I've also started dosing.
Started with 13ml per day of each of the Triton Base Elements, except for 3A which is the Magnesium.
Waiting for my Mag to drop to acceptable levels.
Speaking of algae... the Mars Hydro has been running 8 hours per night for the past two weeks.
The display drains directly into the fuge per the Triton Method and I've got some funky stuff growing already. The chaeto is already triple it's original size at least.
I also tossed in a couple clumps of the Mermaid Sea Fan macros that TBS sent, just to see how they would do down there.
But check out the growth of the mystery algae/macros on the floor and the red baffle.
I also have a few other macros coming in from later this week.
The corals I have in the tank also seem to be doing fine so far.
The edges of my big Turbinaria cup coral took a little beating on the way home in the bucket but those have healed.
The blue plate coral I transferred back in from the office nano hasn't skipped a beat.
My new open brain seems to be doing fine, as well as the frags that were gifted to me like the rainbow acan, JF Jackolantern, a plating monti, and encrusting monti, and a few chalices.
I also took a frag of my purple stylo from the office nano.
Too quick to see growth yet, but all colors and PE look good so far.
All in all, everything seems to be running well and staying pretty stable.
Hard to believe the TBS rock and sand all went in just 25 days ago.
Not even a month!