I know, I was laughing myself when i first played it back.I was literally LMAO when you started pulling that stuff out, that was hilarious
Lol! Yeah, that light is kicking butt.That was like the clown pulling the endless handkerchief from his mouth. It's got to be that HPS grow light huh?
Thanks!Sure enjoy your video'sThat is one large clump you pulled out for sure! Reminded me of the tomato bin refugium's I ran back in the 90s with 250 watt 5500k bulbs. Your fish room turned out sweet too looks like a LAB in there
No kidding.Nutrient export FTW
Dennis, if I remember correctly, you've said you don't do anything special for sand maintenance, you just let the critters from TBS do all the work? Do you have any observations as to which of the animals from Richard provide the most function? It looks like maybe the tiger tails are the real work horses?
Try a fighting conch. I have 2 and they are awesome on the sand bed. They feed 24/7 seems like and my sand bed has never looked better.
Sonofa! d2mini gonna get wet! :eek1:
Picking up some gas for the genny on the way home just in case...
Audi has AWD.... You should be fine lol