*d2mini's new 200g Reeftastic Build*

Probably over thinking it since you have space to grab the racks but why not add in two holes on the edges staggered front and back so that you could use a clasp to lift them out and put into the temp holding tank while you clean?

I always had trouble grabbing my dad's fuller rack in that I would hit the underside of a frag and knock it loose or into something else. He was using egg crate so i merely used some older "handles" from my FX5 cannister to pull them out. no more fallen frags or those that roll under another rack that is a pain in the butt to get to....

Yeah, i thought about adding something to grab them, but like you say I have space on the sides, or I can use the frag holes and my long rubber tipped tweezers. So I just left it as is. :)
The light diffuser frag racks are a pain. I am thinking of splitting mine in half so I can take it out in sections to clean. I did not see the benefit of stepping mine, so it is just a flat piece on legs.
Dennis - you may have said this at one point but what are you using in the frag tank for flow besides the return pump?

I currently have two old mp40's.
One at the front right and one at the rear left.
I've had thoughts about using a Gyre 130.
The Mp40's are controlled by my Profilux with a max flow of around 50%.
It's been 7 months since the rebuild and transfer of everything back into the tank.
Did some testing this morning.
Nitrates are still at around .5 ppm or less. Which is the highest I've seen them.
And P04 is down to .009

Current fish list in the 200g display...

1 Desjardini Sailfin Tang
1 Bristletooth Tang
1 Yellow Tang
1 Magnificent Foxface
1 Scribbled Rabbitfish
1 Spotbreast Angelfish
1 Lubbock's Wrasse
1 Melanurus Wrasse
1 Snowflake Clown
5 Blue/Green Chromis
2 Purple Firefish
2 Blue Eye Cardinalfish

The frag tank has a Spotted Rabbitfish and two Percula clowns.
And the mangrove tank has one Banggai Cardinalfish.

I think I need more fish. :lol:
Sharks with freakin' lasers!

How's the mangrove tank looking, haven't seen a pic of that in awhile!
It looks good.
I put that Walt Smith rock from TBS in there.
It doesn't photograph well due to the visible plumbing and stuff in the fish room but I'll see about taking a new pic.
There are two mangroves (one didn't make it) that are doing well and I cut both back to the first set of leaves so they are both branching now above that first set of leaves. And they are growing tons of roots in the substrate, now hidden by the rocks.
My big red/blue pistol shrimp that hitchhiked in from the initial TBS rock shipment nearly 3 years ago lives there too. :)
Time to change up the frag tank a little!

Been going back and forth and thinking I need to make some improvements. Currently the rack is stair stepped.
Here's an old pic...


What are you using for flow on this? I have a 40B that I plan on using as frag/grow out tank in the future.
Yep, he's wicked cool.
Came in on the rock 3 years ago and even made it through the whole rebuild process!