dead fish


New member
how do you dispose of a fish that had died ,
flush , trash can , bury

i had an idea that may seem brutal a bit
but why not freeze them untill you make more marine mush
then chop the dead fish up and use it in the mush
since you would use clams, squid,etc
so why not?

let me say that i have not done this yet
Usually I will flush it depending on its size, if it is a bigger fish I will bag it and tie the bag in a not and in the trash it goes.
i call the local funeral parlor and we have a huge cerimony, and i bring all of his fish friends...than we go out to dinner afterwards..
I usually flush them or if they are too big to flush I bury them. As far as using them for food, I don't think I wold do that. Depending of how the fish died it may have parasites, fungus, and other nasty bacteria on it. Even though you are freezing it and probably killing whatever is on or in the fish, I just think it wouldn't be a good idea.
a while ago i had 2 diamond sleeper gobies that had jumped out and dried out on the top of the tank under the lights
something like that maybee would work

i also had 2 chromis that had got sucked into a powerhead
so i put em on the sand for the hermits to eat
i kid not - after 5 minutes i had almost every hermit on it munching a away and in 5 hrs later absouloutely no sign of it