Dec. 5 meeting

chuy marquez

New member
I would like to thank Daniel and Leonor for hosting todays meeting. I had'nt been to meeting for sometime so it was good to see everybody. Hopefully we weren't much of a problem for the store. Thanks to all who brought food and frags.
ill double post here. great meeting guys, really. also i took the big green slimer piece, already cut off the water level edges and a hand full of seperate frags, they are now gonna be healing up and coloring up in my tank, once healed up they are available to anyone who wants them, they dont grow as crazy fast in my tank but they sure do color up fully. ill update when they are ready to go to new homes. or frag tank or whatever.
Yeap, great meeting! Thanks to Daniel and Leonor for hosting. It was grew seeing new faces and familiar ones. Thanks to everyone that brought frags and to Kevin for binging some very genorous pieces of beautiful frags from his system.

Pedro--when they heal, I'll take a frag. Lmk. Same thing goes to everyone else. I was able to get some birdsnest, acros, and star polyps and going to frag them. Once they heal, I will lost them here for those who want a frag.
I would also like to thank Daniel and Leonor for hosting. I would also like to thank everybody that attended. These meetings are great for all people in the hobby. You get to meet people who share the love of the hobby. Knowing a network of fellow saltwater hobbyist gives you someone to turn to when something goes wrong with your tank.

I hope all of the new people that showed up today become active members. It was great having a large turn out today. Remember, there is always somebody willing to help.

Thanks again

Erik Guzman

Ps stay tuned for my new project comming up as I install a 20 gallon sump into my tank
Here is a teaser. LOL!

thanks Steffen
Great meeting!! Thanks Daniel and Leonor for hosting! I'm just sorry I had to leave right at the beginning. :(
My real bad luck was I had to leave before the frag swap!! :( Great turnout!! I hope to see that much participation in all our meetings. Some pics at random:





More to follow"¦..

see i took that big slimer piece in the middle, so jay i can get you some of that once it heals up and colors up, for those of you who saw my tank and even got slimer pieces you know the nice color im talking about.
Great meeting! Too bad I missed the beginning but glad I finally found it. Thanks Steffen! I have notes and WILL post the minutes here so everybody can see what the topics of discussion were. Thank you Daniel and Leanor for hosting! I hope we have a good turn out next month. A special thanks to Kevin Vonfinger for bring all the beautiful frags from his tank. Alot of people got some nice frags overall!
Thanks to Leonor and Daniel for hosting the meeting, opening up their store on a normally closed day to have all of us in. The turn out was fantastic and I hope everyone had fun and enjoyed the meeting.

Thanks to everyone who showed up today. I met a lot of new people and hope they will become active members of STARS. It was of course nice to see and talk with all the other people that have been to meetings in the past as well as active here on the forum.

There was a little confusion as to the things that were going to happen with the corals and other things that were brought by all but I guess it all worked out in the end and everyone did end up with something, I hope.

Audrey brought me back some coral donations, thanks to all whom donated.

Erik- Got the devils hand leather, will be going in the NMSU tank today
Jay- Oddly enough some Xenia wound up in my tank, know anything about this? Probably going in the NMSU tank as well. Had some nice looking zoas attached to the frag as well.

Hope to see continued growth in the club, sounds like everything is going great and with structure too.
Jay- Oddly enough some Xenia wound up in my tank, know anything about this? Probably going in the NMSU tank as well. Had some nice looking zoas attached to the frag as well.
Hee hee :lol: it's magical stuff!!! :smokin:

Thanks as well to daniel and leonor great people, as well I was glad to meet all members in person thanks for the donations and great tips each and everyone gave to me.