Deep Down Florida 300g In-wall Build


New member
Ok so I had my thread on another section of this forum but I am not getting as many comments/suggestions as I hoped to get.
I am copying and pasting as it goes along so I could get as many suggestions as possible.
Thanks for looking.
Ok so I have been out of the hobby for a few years and just recently decided to jump back in. I have seen all of these threads with an in-wall set up and thought it looked really cool. I had the perfect spot for this so the decision was made to get a 300g tank made.

So my journey begins with the planning. After searching around my area for aquarium tank builders, I came across a thread here in this forum that boasted about this tank made by Reef Savvy ( So I contacted them and spoke to Felix who was extremely patient (on a Sunday) and answered all of my questions. Needless to say, I decided to go with them and now I am just waiting for the tank.
Here is my preliminary wish list, some of which I already got.
300g tank
Barr SK5020 Beckett skimmer
75 sump
Iwaki 55 for Skimmer
Rio 32 Hyperflow
Hydor Koralia Magnum 7
Live Rock
Live Sand

I am sure some of this will change but this is what I am envisioning for now.
Here is my wall planned out...
The tank will be 96"W x 24"D x 29"H built by Reef Savy

Found the skimmer I wanted from a forum member here on reef central.
The boxes came yesterday so I will open them tomorrow and post.
It is difficult to capture what I am doing in the front due to the dust barrier I put up. I am taking the picture from the back end which is really the same in the front end.
Ok so I wanted to show some pictures of the front side. I patched up the spaces/cracks with compound. It isn't a finished job because it will be covered with a 6" wooden frame.
Left Side

Right Side

As you can see, on the right side I removed all of the drywall. This is because the previous owners of the house did an awful drywall patch job. I couldn't stand how uneven the wall looked. I know I am good at doing drywall so I decided to use this opportunity to replace the whole side.
Well I am at work today just doing my thing and I get a txt message from Felix at reef savvy with a picture attached.
It was my tank, 50% done.
Looks like I need to get a move on in my house....
Ok so this weekend I was able to finish the reconstruction of the front wall. It wasn't a hard task but at least now I know my wall is perfectly flat.
I also exposed the back wall because I sould be getting started on the stand this week. I will be incorporating it into my existing wall studs which was the reason why I needed to expose them.
Here are a few updated pictures.



Ok so I didn't have the wood yet to begin the build for my stand so I decided to think through my plumbing. Here is what I am planning on doing.
the red things are the ball valves.
Looks good. I recommend looking into an Automatic top-off controller sooner than later, and also decide whether you'll go with a controller or not for running your setup.

What are you planning on keeping in the tank?

Build looks great so far, and it looks like you're taking the time (and money) to do it right as far as building the foundation for the tank to go on. I also love that skimmer. Those downdraft tower skimmers aren't that efficient (energy/performance), but they do a great job!

Thanks for sharing your thread, and I/we look forward to updates and helping out if needed!
Funny you should say that about the controller. I just put in an order for a digital aquatics reefkeeper elite. Loads of options it is unreal.
I plan on doing a fowlr for a while and then an occasional Lps in there for color and movement.
I didn't know that the skimmer I got isn't the most efficiant but I wanted an external and the opportunity for this one came up.

I am just about done with my stand so stay tuned for pictures.
this looks awesome.....not sure i get what the waste water is doing? I guess its going behind all of that? And the drain in the sump, is that for water changes?

Being that your doing this in your garage it should be pretty simple for you to automate this as much as possible! I would talk to Rogger about automating these things. His tank is like a robot. And with your controller it'd be fairly easy to do.

You'll be super happy with Felix's work.....I was.
this looks awesome.....not sure i get what the waste water is doing? I guess its going behind all of that? And the drain in the sump, is that for water changes?

Being that your doing this in your garage it should be pretty simple for you to automate this as much as possible! I would talk to Rogger about automating these things. His tank is like a robot. And with your controller it'd be fairly easy to do.

You'll be super happy with Felix's work.....I was.

To me it looks like sump drain serves as an emergency overflow, but he could cetainly use it for water changes like Rogger does with this setup.

Got work. Looking forward to progress pics.
Thanks everyone for looking. The plan is to have an automatice topoff from the upper container (RO/DI). I will use a float valve that digitalaquatics has for its reefkeeper and have the set to supply water to the sump.

Jgoal55 - I needed a place to dump the waist water so I am going to do some sort of drain that leads out of my garage out to my plants. Who is Roger? I wouldn't mind seeing his setup.

Also, AquamanE is right, I was thinking of using that drain for automatic water changes leading out the same drain as mentioned above.
All I would have to do is turn off a couple of valves and turn on a couple. The rest will be automatic.
great build the auto water change is pretty much automatic as long as u have a drain in your system such as the one in your drain.

My tank has the same auto water change which is carbon copy of Roger's RC Roger Castells.
Here's some pics for reference hope this helps.
The elbow comes in from the reservoir outside that is powered with a mixing pump( back portion of the pic) right beside it the drain in the sump. Water gets exchanged simply by turning the pump in the drum outside opening two valves and as the new chilled water comes in it goes into the return making old water drain to the outside once it reaches the level of the drain-All in all it takes about 5-7 mins to change 50 gallons. I'm also in Plantation.