Derasa Problem


New member
My Derasa, which has been in my tank for about a year and a half, turned on its side a couple of days ago and it looks like the 2 halves of its shell no longer meet properly. I picked it up, squared the shell up, and replaced it, and the mantle immediately spread. When I picked it up the 2 halves of the shell seemed to be "loose". Any ideas?
What are your tank specs? Lighting, CA, ALK??? Any recent changes in your tank? How old are you bulbs?

I'm surprised your clam is doing this after 1 y and 6m...


Sorry, 120 gallon, 400w Aquaray bulbs new last week, Ca 430 (Salifert), have not checked Dkh this week but was good last week 10.5 (Salifert). I do a weekly water change of 5 gallons every Friday.

I added 8 frags from Dr Mac last week that are all doing well but no other changes. I have 3 other clams, 1 maxima and 2 crocea, that all appear to be fine.
Hmm I'll throw out suggestions. Were you using the same 400w brand bulb previously? That's the only thing I'm leaning towards. I doubt small frags could do any harm to a clam however I could be wrong.
If the only thing that has substantially changed has been the bulbs, then I share fish-o's question as well.
Reply II

Reply II

I changed from Radium bulbs to Aquaray because I wanted the tank to look a little less blue. The clam is still alive this morning but it does not look healthy.
I am suspecting that the sudden change in bulb spectrum has something to do with the clam's poor health. Did you take the time to acclimate the clam to the new light bulb?

Your other clams are handling this change better than this one clam. If possible, I would try re-acclimating again if it's not too late.