Desalwii Acropora


New member
I purchased a frag of this from Live Aquria today, it should be here Tues. the 27th. Now for the questions, does anyone know what kind of flow and lighting it requires (med high)?
My tank is a 210 AGA. I have 3 250 watt SE Reeflux 12k and 4 96 watt PC actinic for lights. Flow is provided by a Hammerhead ran through 4 Sea Swirls for the return and a Dart ran through 4 Sea Swirls on a closed loop. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
I bought a frag form someone the other day. He had it under 10K 400Watts and VHO's. But it was down about 18" from the light. All the bulbs needed replacing. He had 2 Tunze's going and a Tunze wavebox. A lot of flow.

Now the frag is under my 250 Phoenix 14K and 2 t-5. So far so good.
Mine is directly under a 400 watt SE Reeflux 10K. 6" under the water surface. Bulbs are 18" above the water.

Picture is from June 06, I need to upload a newer one. Coral is much darker purple and green now.

I got that same coral from LiveAquaria, mine bit the dust at about the 3 week mark. I have heard that some others have had the same problem with the LA deswalii. I didn't realize I had a guarentee so never talked to them about it, after 3 weeks I figured it was my problem.
CAReefer, WOW, awesome piece. Maybe I will try it again some time as I really like the coral and you give me hope that I can be successful with it :).
cervidaejager, When you get your piece put up a picture, would love to see it.
I keep mine mid way up under a 250DE. I have about 10,000gph in a 180 so I have high flow everywhere. Its a relative new commer and its starting to encrust
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9571718#post9571718 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by slojmn
I got that same coral from LiveAquaria, mine bit the dust at about the 3 week mark. I have heard that some others have had the same problem with the LA deswalii. I didn't realize I had a guarentee so never talked to them about it, after 3 weeks I figured it was my problem.
CAReefer, WOW, awesome piece. Maybe I will try it again some time as I really like the coral and you give me hope that I can be successful with it :).
cervidaejager, When you get your piece put up a picture, would love to see it.

Mine bit it after two weeks (13 days exactly, so they refunded my money). But man, after seeing CAReefer's pic, I'm lamenting... :(
Thanks for the input it really helps on the placement of the coral.
Slojmn and SDguy sorry to hear you both lost yours I hope I have better luck. CAReefer I hope mine ends up looking as good as yours does. I'll try to post some pictures when I get it.
Thanks again.
I've lost 2 of these LA desalwii acropora. The first lasted just under 3 weeks and the 2nd replacement didn't make it 10 days. I went over and over this with Kevin and he was very enlightening. This coral and I'm only talking about the LA strain, is very sensitive. Any water param swings and it will die on you. It should be in high flow and good lighting. I had m 2nd one in higher flow and under outside of my center brace. The 1st was higher in the light and medium flow. I was also told this coral does not like to be touched too. I know it's not my tank as every single other pice of coral in my tank is thriving. It's frustrating.
Thank you for the info. I wonder why the LA strain is like that? I hope I have better luck. Just after I put it in my tank the polyps started comming out I hope this is a good sign. Right now I have it on the sand in a high flow area and plan to move it up slowly.
I really like the looks of this coral and would like it to thrive so any other help you or any one else can give me would be appreciated. Thanks again.
SueT, mine had great PE the first few days, then very little, until it RTN'ed over about a day and a half. How were yours?

LA told me med light in their forum.
I was of the understanding that it is just this particular species of acropora. It's highly sensitive and Kevin said one that is not that popluar due to being so highly fragile. My first one polyped out too. The second never did. I tried to frag the frist one in hopes of saving something of it but by the next morning nothing was left. The second frag never polyped out and when it went south it just did. There was nothing to even try to save.

I would love to know where CAreefer got his piece??
Nice picture Marshal! Now I know why they called this coral "freaky crayola" Does anyone know the difference between desalwii and a. plana?

Here's my desalwii frag that I got from Ming.
Maybe Ming's stock is a bit hardier than LA. I am not knocking LA as everything else I have gotten from Kevin has been awesome.

Awesome pic James. The LA desalwii is white on the base.

Now, I have a frag of crayola table from Maximus, is this the same thing?? It's doing great...
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marshal and naka - fabulous looking corals, and great pics, too.
Makes me think that it would be totally worth trying out one of these finicky corals!! BEAUTIFUL :thumbsup:
Naka, I've heard that the chips, may be the desalwii. The biggest difference between the desalwii and plana that I have, is that the desalwii has more of a tabling growth habit with fused branches. The plana is more of a ball shape with individual branches. The desalwii grows MUCH faster too. You're pic blows mine away BTW.

Both the plana and desalwii I have came from Eric @ fragfarmers. My chips came from him as well, and looks similar to the desalwii, but grows in even more of a tabling form.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9592549#post9592549 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by prop-frags
Makes me think that it would be totally worth trying out one of these finicky corals!! BEAUTIFUL :thumbsup:

I can't speak for everyone else experiences, but mine has been severly abused and just keeps on going. I've even dropped it onto the carpet and picked dog hair and broken branches out of it. Didn't even phase it. Just today I recalibrated my refractometer (first time actually in 18 months with the 53 ms solution instead of distilled water) and found out my salinity is waaaaaaaaaaay high and always has been, possibly near 1.040 :eek:

I believe I would have a hard time killing this coral if I tried. FWIW.

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9596276#post9596276 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by CAreefer
Naka, I've heard that the chips, may be the desalwii.

I have a chips. When I bought it I though, gee, this looks an aweful lot like that desalwii from live aquaria, just with thicker, fused branches

It is growing and coloring up nicely. Even if it's not the same, close enough for me :D

Does anyone have a larger LA desalwii colony?