Desjardini Sailfin and Powder Blue Tangs Together??


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Yes, another one of these posts....

On way to LFS to pick up Desjarsini. They also have a powder blue listed on the stock. I love both fish. Haven't seen yet so don't know relative sizes, though the stock list said large for the powder blue. Compatible (at all???)?

Tank is 7' by 28" so lots of space. Other fish in tank are pair of clowns, a hawk fish, a goby, and a lawnmower blend. LOTS of algae so no competition for food.

Thanks for input. I'd research myself but like I said, already en route to get the d sailfin.
The desjardini was in with a powder brown with no problem and the lfs owner knows what he’s doing so I took the desjardini and the p blue.!

I just added a power brown, powder blue, yellow, Achilles and white tail. All doing fine.

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If you introduce new fish from here powder blue can be aggressive. Suggest putting a mirror up to preoccupy if / when you add more.

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If you introduce new fish from here powder blue can be aggressive. Suggest putting a mirror up to preoccupy if / when you add more.

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other planned-for fish include a pair of goldflake angels, a supermale fairy wrasse of some sort (linneatus?), maybe another pair of clowns, and bottom-dwelling critters. Tank is 7' by 28". Do you see concern with aggression toward those? Goldflakes will be the only other generally disc-shaped fish to be added.
I have found aggression only for 1-2 days and then settles. The mirror keeps tang occupied. Mine didn't leave the spot for almost 48 hrs and the aggression subsided and now best mates.

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I have found aggression only for 1-2 days and then settles. The mirror keeps tang occupied. Mine didn't leave the spot for almost 48 hrs and the aggression subsided and now best mates.

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I wonder if that would work when my 11-year-old identical twin daughters start getting physical with each other.....