So I have tried to figure out things on my own without posting for help, but I am now officially discouraged and do not know what to do. I will try to keep this brief while including all the important info needed. I know there are a lot of things involved here and you can't give a magic answer based on so many unknowns, but if everything has been the same for so long and then this happens is there something that strikes anyone as a possibility that could be causing such widespread death and decline of all my corals? I truly appreciate the help.
Again keep in mind that everything has been the same over the last 2 years with good results and then seemingly with no changes to any equipment or parameters everything starts dying.
10 year old 90 gallon tank
Consistently doing the same things for the last couple of years with pretty good growth and coloration with all types of SPS from favia,chalices, etc to softies, to acans to euphyllia and many other types in between.
Then about 3-4 months ago:
I started losing things one by one and what I have not lost is faded/bleached or receding and showing large amounts of the hard white calcium/bone structure of the coral. Hand full of fish I have are not being affected. First lost huge cyphastrea colony while another huge one is alive. Huge hollywood stunner chalice died. Yumas and several varieties shrooms are shrinking or puking white spirally looking meaty type substances, huge colonies of frogspawn and hammer coral, duncan coral with 30 heads plus are dying rapidly ( only about 30 % still alive ). I have tried small and large water changes with no improvement over the last 3-4 months. All of my parameters have been consistent over the last two years with no major changes. I have no stray voltage. My light schedule has been the same for 2 years ( 6 t5's with reef brite leds strips ). I have replaced my bulbs every 10 months. I have replaced my rodi filters every 10 months or when TDS meter shows 5-10. Below are my parameters and tank inf
ne consistent thing I have been doing for a couple years is adding 5 ml of red sea reef energy part a/b every day.
10 year old 90 gallon tank
No filter socks used, simple sump with heater, return pump , and small tunze protein skimmer
small jebao powerhead in tank
dosing brs -alk, cal, mag solution
Salt 1.025-1.026
Alk 8.0-9
Calcium 400-450 ppm
Magnesium 1300-1400
nitrate less than 10ppm
phosphates pretty close to zero
temp 78
15% water changes every 2 weeks
instant ocean
feed every other day with RODS food
Again keep in mind that everything has been the same over the last 2 years with good results and then seemingly with no changes to any equipment or parameters everything starts dying.
10 year old 90 gallon tank
Consistently doing the same things for the last couple of years with pretty good growth and coloration with all types of SPS from favia,chalices, etc to softies, to acans to euphyllia and many other types in between.
Then about 3-4 months ago:
I started losing things one by one and what I have not lost is faded/bleached or receding and showing large amounts of the hard white calcium/bone structure of the coral. Hand full of fish I have are not being affected. First lost huge cyphastrea colony while another huge one is alive. Huge hollywood stunner chalice died. Yumas and several varieties shrooms are shrinking or puking white spirally looking meaty type substances, huge colonies of frogspawn and hammer coral, duncan coral with 30 heads plus are dying rapidly ( only about 30 % still alive ). I have tried small and large water changes with no improvement over the last 3-4 months. All of my parameters have been consistent over the last two years with no major changes. I have no stray voltage. My light schedule has been the same for 2 years ( 6 t5's with reef brite leds strips ). I have replaced my bulbs every 10 months. I have replaced my rodi filters every 10 months or when TDS meter shows 5-10. Below are my parameters and tank inf

10 year old 90 gallon tank
No filter socks used, simple sump with heater, return pump , and small tunze protein skimmer
small jebao powerhead in tank
dosing brs -alk, cal, mag solution
Salt 1.025-1.026
Alk 8.0-9
Calcium 400-450 ppm
Magnesium 1300-1400
nitrate less than 10ppm
phosphates pretty close to zero
temp 78
15% water changes every 2 weeks
instant ocean
feed every other day with RODS food