It got worse before it got better. I put all my coral in, and the next morning almost all of them were dead. 4 acros, 3 pocilloporas (it was 3 pieces of the same colony), so far 3 torch heads with 5 more still questionable. So far the montis seem ok, my hammer seems to be ok and my devils hand is now fine that its sloughed off its old skin.
Remaining fish are fine. This is far and away the worst move I've ever had. I've moved 4 times in the last 6 years, all with a tank of some sort, and I've never lost anything in transit. I'm not really sure why all these problems are cropping up now.
I got the lights hung, by now my RKL is hooked up and running things, which is much better because I dont have to constantly check everything.
Here's how it stands:
Here's a shot of the business end, it still needs a little work... I need to hang the vortech controllers and the RKL head end, I need to hang the pipes with something that isnt duct tape, but its working for now. The valve on the line from the pump that goes no where will eventually (soon) feed my carbon and PO4 reactors. I just havent gotten that far yet.