Did Finding Dory Make You Want a Blue Tang?


New member
so I'm sure this thread has been made a million times and you've already heard things like this all before, but the other day at my job an elderly lady called me and asked if we sold dory fish for her grandson. I explained that we did but that I wouldn't be selling them for the next week due to the movie. She wanted more specifics about the blue tangs we sell and when I said how large they get she asked if we sell any that stay the size of a QUARTER. This lady obviously is out browsing for a blue tang but knows nothing about what she's getting herself into. Anyways! I made a video about blue tangs and tried to explain things like I was talking to a 5 year old.


I'm sure most people on here know about the blue tang but just in case any beginner aquarist are strolling around for a blue tang I highly recommend you look into what exactly you're thinking of getting, and hopefully choose something else haha.

Also, I'm speaking in layman's terms in this video. I did not use scientific names, or other sorts of terms that only hobbyist would recognize. So if expert fish keepers find things they don't 100% find accurate in this video understand my video was not to educate experts, but mere beginners who don't understand the basics of a blue tang.
One of my LFS stop carrying them before the movie came out, they didn't want the trouble they had with Nemo! The worst story was a father coming back demanding his money back because the store did not warn him his Oscars would eat his daughters clownfish.
I actually just bought my first one this week after all these years. I pick it up as soon as the tank is broken down here soon.
First person that calls it Dory gets slapped with a rather large trout.
Yep.. Just put one in my 5 gallon nano tank.. The vlamingi tang in there just looked like he needed a friend.. :hmm4:
I didn't want one for my tank, but my son was pretty adamant. My LFS understood my predicament, as I did not want to put one in my 180g - knowing how quickly they grow and how it really is not meant for a 6ft tank (IMO.) So they expressed they will take it back once I feel it outgrows my tank - and will give me suitable credit. So I expect we'll have "Dory" for about 6 months to a year.

But on a side note, I stopped by Petco for cat food and frozen fish food. They had two pallets there which looked awful. Looked like HLLE and fin rot. I informed the staff and they seemed very apoplectic about it. Sort of shrugged it off. I asked if they run carbon in their systems and they replied they did, but the systems are running by corporate standards. I asked if they had any type of quarantine systems, but they said no - they don't quarantine anything. These poor fish looked terrible, and I almost offered to take them off their hands - but my quarantine has my son's in there, and I was not about to add two more "Dorys", when the one I picked out is healthy, fat and eating well. No way I was going to risk that.

But they did have that nifty sign posted, so there's that.
I would love to have one,but only have a forty.If someone could genetically modify the species to only grow to a inch and a half they would make a fortune.
I just bought a baby Dory the day after the movies!! Petsmart helped me with an all included 10 gallon set and salt. The next day I went to another fish store and ended up getting both a small Dory and a friend Bubbles for her. They seem to be doing great. The experts at the fish store helped me out and had lots of great information, they even gave me a few pieces of rock. The Dory is probably an inch or less, and they said if I just feed it crushed flake food it won't grow much more.

I've always thought they were pretty(has not seen Finding Dory yet, won't come to my country until end of August auughhh!), but alas none of my tanks are even remotely large enough for even the short-term.
Well if everyone else is breaking the rules, I'm going to buy 5, one for each gallon my tank is.
I just bought a baby Dory the day after the movies!! Petsmart helped me with an all included 10 gallon set and salt. The next day I went to another fish store and ended up getting both a small Dory and a friend Bubbles for her. They seem to be doing great. The experts at the fish store helped me out and had lots of great information, they even gave me a few pieces of rock. The Dory is probably an inch or less, and they said if I just feed it crushed flake food it won't grow much more.


looks great, enjoy!
I just bought a baby Dory the day after the movies!! Petsmart helped me with an all included 10 gallon set and salt. The next day I went to another fish store and ended up getting both a small Dory and a friend Bubbles for her. They seem to be doing great. The experts at the fish store helped me out and had lots of great information, they even gave me a few pieces of rock. The Dory is probably an inch or less, and they said if I just feed it crushed flake food it won't grow much more.

I hope that 10 gallons is a QT not your main tank
I just bought a baby Dory the day after the movies!! Petsmart helped me with an all included 10 gallon set and salt. The next day I went to another fish store and ended up getting both a small Dory and a friend Bubbles for her. They seem to be doing great. The experts at the fish store helped me out and had lots of great information, they even gave me a few pieces of rock. The Dory is probably an inch or less, and they said if I just feed it crushed flake food it won't grow much more.

I am pretty sure petsmart does not sell saltwater fish, just some supplies. So I would suspect happyfishy is a troll.
Please tell me the guy with a yellow and regal in a 10g is just kidding? @happyfishy, if you're being serious then you'd best watch the video.
I'm pretty sure a huge troll just stomped it's way in here. 10 gallons. Lol. Good one buddy. I sense this thread getting locked soon.