Did you see a HUGE improvement when you switched from 2-part to a Ca reactor?

Gary Majchrzak said:
Dosing pumps are desirable for the two part additives because they deliver them slowly and on a regular schedule.
It's my experience that the (equal) two part dosing method is the least likely method to keep Ca and alk in balance (even with a dosing pump), thus requiring the most monitoring with test kits.

Please clarify this. I guess you found that your alkalinity drops? Ca reactors are actually better at adding to alkalinity than Ca. Perhaps it was just compensating for the higher proportional consumption of carbonate than Ca in your tank?
there are many options out there. I think the most economical option for me will be one of the 2 channel refurbished medical dosing pumps you can find on ebay. Anyone know a good source?

Ideally I would like a pump to dose 3 solutions independently (kalk and 2 part) but I'm sure it would be very expensive. Just a matter of how much you want to spend.
shelburn- I take it the refurbished medical dosing pumps on Ebay will only do the 2 part solutions?

Do you happen to have a link for any of these auctions? I've heard of people talking about this before, but dont know which ones they are. If they are that inexpensive, maybe I will do this short-term until I understand more.
I like the Randy's 2 part since it only takes a daily testing of alk to get a daily usage feel. Adjust using an equal amount of the two parts. Then after that, once a week to see if you are drifting up or down. Then each morning I just add the daily amount. If I had a dosing pump, that would be nice but it's not that hard to add a cup or two of each. Then once a month I do a ca and mg test and it's right on for ca but I usually have to catch up a hundred or so on the mg. You also add a cup of mg mix for every gallon of the ca and alk you use.

It's 2.8 dKh for every 10 ca btw.

I use about 1-3 dKh a day over the 3 gallons of kalk I drip a day. That number seems to shift to the higher in the winter months, I'm thinking maybe the warmer tank temps slow down some growth. Also if you add a bunch of corals or sell a bunch, disturb them where they slow down, etc it may take a couple daily alk tests again to re-establish your daily usage. You could use the ca as a benchmark test for daily amounts but that is alot more complicated of a test than a cheapo tetra test for alk. 7-10 drips and done. Maybe it doesn't tell you it's 8.x dKh or or whatever fraction the better ones take it to but it's not that critical to be more accurate. When I do ca or mg or phosphate, since I do them less often, go Salifert.

Another thing that will cause a balance shift is phosban. It tends to bond the carbonate ion so your alk will drop out of proportion. IO has been running about 12-13 on alk when I test it so I never need to bump alk for a water change but I do have to add the ca and mg before I do the water change so it is in balance and I don't mess my tank usage numbers up.
Did you see a HUGE improvement when you switched from 2-part to a Ca reactor?

old thread. but can we get more opinions on this question.
Well as of today I have decided to get the Sentry-2 dosing pump that will dose Randy's two part. I dont think there is a more economical and accurate way to dose. A Ca reactor is nice but I dont think it would be any more stable than a good dosing pump like the one mentioned. Cant wait till it arrives!!!
I think my calcium reactor was my single most tank-improving equipment yet. Before the reactor, I had always used B-ionic two part, and thought it was going just fine. I had more growth in the first month of having the reactor than I had in probably eight months of B-ionic. And the colors. I was getting ready to take a brown acro to auction, but now the whole thing is turning bright baby blue. That's just one example. Everything is getting way better colors.

I'll probably catch some heat for saying this, but I think that anyone who says you don't need a calcium reactor with SPS either:

- has never had a calcium reactor
- has always had a calcium reactor

:) :)
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6913336#post6913336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by MSM
I'll probably catch some heat for saying this, but I think that anyone who says you don't need a calcium reactor with SPS either:

- has never had a calcium reactor
- has always had a calcium reactor

:) :)

Not quite. :)

I had a calcium reactor (it's not running anymore), and I don't think you need one with sps.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6912336#post6912336 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by Horace
Well as of today I have decided to get the Sentry-2 dosing pump that will dose Randy's two part. I dont think there is a more economical and accurate way to dose. A Ca reactor is nice but I dont think it would be any more stable than a good dosing pump like the one mentioned. Cant wait till it arrives!!!

Got a link to the sentry dosing pump?

havent read this whole thread and someone may have said the same thing... but after running a c-reactor on my heavily loaded stony tank... i couldnt go back to life without one. I was going thru GALLONS of b-ionic a week. (thank God for dowflake and baking soda)
I run both... a calcium reactor, and a kalkwasser reactor... I use a dosing pump on the kalk reactor.. The calc reactor runs 24-7 and I love it...

I dose nothing other than water changes... I like the kalk for it improves skimmer performance, and was doing it long before the reactor.

My calc reactor is a big one.. 24 inch high 1 10 inch tube and 1 8 inch tube.. I have it run under pressure run 2 mag 3's one for mixing, and one for pumping ( w valve )..

I also run the effluent into a cup before it drips into the tank to try to blow off some c02. This also drips into my skimmer box which helps to blow off more co2..

My ph is 8.2 consistently all day....

Love it.. best thing I ever did... both are set up and calc reactor runs 24-7 and kalk reactor runs 2 hrs during hte day, and 6 hrs at night..

Corals are growing like mad....
Mrs Wages with topup and Randy's two part. A picture says a thousand words:

I probably test Ca and alk once every two months. Once you get your dosage down you really don't need to test much. Admitedly I should test more often. Also I can tell if my alk is off by the polyp extension on ceartain corals so I don't worry too much about it:)
I have toyed with the idea of getting a Ca reactor for several months now and to be honest they seem to have just as many drawbacks as the two part.....things can go wrong with any system. The bottom line is if used properly both of them work. I've decided to stick to two part for now because I am comfortable with it and have had good success with it.
Having add a CR a month and a half ago. I am yet other one of those people that would never go back. I saw a marked improvement in color. Most noticable in my Monti danae which fluorested green over its purple based color for the frist time since I've had it. I am guessing it was some trace element that wasn't in the two part(guess). The stablily is a great thing too for SPS. Before my Alk would swing by as much as a Meq a day.

Also I had a talk with Randy after I found out that my sandbed was glued solid and it looks as though I was likely the gallon of staturated kalk I dosed every night.

No more... CR all the way.