Did you sell out at the Frag Swap


New member
From the incredible crowd at the swap and how quick things were going I would have to think that most of the frags there went home with a new owner. Did everyone sell through there frags?

There were 2 instances where I was waiting to say "I'll take that one" and someone else took it right in front of me. Don't feel too bad I took home 4 nice frags myself.
lol what did ya miss out on?

i had someone put a frag aside for me and went back later to find that his GF sold it @!!!!! AHHH
did very well, did not sell out but that was ok. i made enough to get a large portion of money for 120 upgrade.
We sold out our ~40 frags in the initial rush and were pretty much done by 1pm. Can't ask for much better than that....maybe I should bring more next time!

Originally posted by A.T.T.R
i had someone put a frag aside for me and went back later to find that his GF sold it @!!!!! AHHH

You must be Chris? Terribly sorry about that...we'll make good on it at the next meeting. Just send a PM to remind me. BTW, she's my wife. :D
I was not actually selling anything at this event but had prepared to do it a few months back, I guess the frags never made it to the swap they were all sold before the event!
I was really surprised that I sold out of everything by 4pm considering that I showed up about an hour late and missed the initial rush. (along with Darcy)

Just to be considerate to the corals, I waited until the last minute to bag my frags this morning and didn't realise just how many I had.
I blew thru a box of 50 ziplocks and only bagged about 3/4 of the frags I've made up.
By that time it was already 12:30pm, so I hustled out the door forgetting my stash of grocery bags for the buyers. :rolleyes:

By 3pm I'd gotten rid of about 40 bags O' frags and at the end a couple came up and gave me an offer on the last 6 bags I had left.
It was kismet. They got a nice selection of different frags and I didn't have to take anything back home except for my new critters. :D
(Of course, it helped that most of my frags were combos at only $10 a pop, but I'm not doing this for a living... just for fun.)

Man, if I had been there on time I probably would have sold out by 1pm like Jeff.
Next time I'll bring twice as many frags and be on time! LOL
I was at the FMAS board meeting last week (my first), and there was mention of having another frag swap sometime this summer.

Also, I imagine it's quite a bit of work to put something like this together, and there are only a handful of people on the frag swap planning committee. If anyone would like to help plan the next one, let Chris (chrisaggie) or any of board members know you're interested in helping out. With more volunteers, it's SO much easier to make things like this happen.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=9218866#post9218866 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by REDDAWG43
What are the chances of getting a second frag swap this year?

We are shooting for August. I'll let you know more when I can.
man, i'm so ****ed that i missed this. Would've been a great opportunity to find some nice 15$ SPS frags since the top of my tank is slacking.
I would be interested in volunteering. I will help as much as I can. Let me know of the next meeting. I will discuss in person what I can offer the FMAS. :-)
Hey Chris...
Count me in as a volunteer....
I would like to be involved on the planninng, and helping set-up as much as possible.

Thank you guys. We are in the process of forming a frag swap meet comittee for the next even. I will put your names on the list.