Discovery Channels "PLANET EARTH"

That's ridiculous, someone owning a boat isn't the same as tossing crap out your window.

Personally, I like Blue Planet more, sure some of the shots aren't as breathtaking as those from Planet Earth, but consider the environment where all of those in Blue Planet were taken. I think they did an amazing job with the lighting and general aura considering the fact that it's all (well almost) underwater from guys in scuba suits or submersibles.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10851672#post10851672 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by woz9683
That's ridiculous, someone owning a boat isn't the same as tossing crap out your window.

Why, they are both wasting resources. In fact the airplane and boat owners are putting C02 into the air for thier own enjoyment. How selfish can you get?
An airplane is a mode of transportation, it has a purpose. Boating is a passttime which people enjoy, also a purpose. Throwing trash out your window serves no purpose other than getting trash out of your car. It is utter disregard for your surroundings, at least the other two have uses, selfish or otherwise.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=10856366#post10856366 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by woz9683
An airplane is a mode of transportation, it has a purpose. Boating is a passttime which people enjoy, also a purpose. Throwing trash out your window serves no purpose other than getting trash out of your car. It is utter disregard for your surroundings, at least the other two have uses, selfish or otherwise.

I watched it when it first aired on BBC, and I have the box-set. Good stuff!

On the subject of airplane travel and littering and such. Littering is mainly aesthetic pollution, discounting animals that happen upon it and are harmed by it (which is a huge thing to "discount" because many animals are harmed by it.)
Airplane travel is necessary for some people. I'm from England, and return twice a year to visit my family. Many people have to use planes for business trips. However there has been an enormous increase in the volume of jet travel in european countries in the last decade with the advent of really cheap package-holiday deals. I think you'll find the majority of flights going out of Gatwick are holiday liners going to the mediterranean, turkey, and so on. Having autonomy doesn't excuse us from the fact that we should be morally conscious, and we do have moral responsibility to the earth, its inhabitants, and other humans, as well as the future. An environmentally detrimental practice having a "purpose" (read: human pleasure/leisure) does not necessarily justify it.

I'm very concerned about dead-zones, which are the result of irresponsible agricultural practices. Excessive use of pesticides, storing the highly toxic waste of pigs in huge lagoons beside rivers in factory farming operations, waste dumped from all sorts of plants and factories.
There is a lot to consider, a lot to weigh up in regards to environment, ethics, and the economy. However we have to learn as much as we can about practices we find irresponsible and cast our votes with our wallets and actions. If you don't agree with something and have the option of buying/supporting it or not, don't support it.

It's just where each individual draws their own line :)
I will admit that I just skipped over most of the posts in this thread.

That being said I think that this is a great series. The spoken information it provides is rather limited however I don't think its intention was to be verbally informative.

I'm pretty sure that when BBC started filming for this series part of the idea was to document the few remaining wildernesses in our planet before they're changed drastically. It's a great idea, yet a rather sad one at the same time.

It may sound fanatical yet I truly believe films like this are essential to help people connect on a personal level with things they may otherwise never be exposed to.

Another really neat film that I would recommend is called "Baraka".

It focuses on nature and also includes humans. There is no narration yet the images in this film are arguably as incredible as they get.

I also love carbon :)