Disposal of water after water changes


New member
Hi everyone! I'm going to do my first water change this weekend and am thinking about the most responsible way to dispose of the water. What do you all do? It seems it might be hard on the plumbing to flush it; I was thinking of using at least part of it to kill some weeds in my yard; dumping it in a storm drain is both illegal and probably bad for the environment. So... thoughts?

By the way, I'm a total newb, so please forgive me if this has been asked and answered--I did a search but didn't see a comprehensive discussion.

Many thanks!
Flushing it is fine, and not any harder on the plumbing than other things that normally get flushed ;) Using it as a weed killer will also prevent good plants from growing as well, so not a good idea.
I've been curious about this too. I dump it into the gravel in my driveway. I don't want weeds growing there anyway.
I can't flush it (although that would be sweet) because I have a septic system and eventually all of the saltwater will end up in the yard.
Hoping to hear some great ideas on this.
ive always wondered this. I normally dump in my backyard. but started to worry, am I slowlly killing this 200ft tall tree that will eventually fall on my house....
it depends on how much water your changing out and your climate. You could just pour it in a drum and let it evaporate if you live in a hot climate. I just pour it down the drain now.
I usually just drop it in the toilet. The city has a water treatment plant, so i would assume most stuff would get destroy before entering to the greater area.

But if you dump the water in your lawn, doesn't it disallow any future growths on the soil?

I remember a simpson's episode that homer salted ned's yard and things couldn't grow anymore. Heh
I turn a valve and let it go pump into the main house drain...Plumbed that in years ago.

For awhile...I was selling my used SW to a local guy that was a fish only @ $1 a gallon. It worked out well for both of us.
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Thanks for all these great responses! I ended up sending it down the toilet... hopefully the slug of saltwater is small enough not to burden the local WWTP.

(For the record, I had considered salting only the cracks in my driveway for weed control--not the lawn!!! Although I bet I could find some neighbors to salt ... ;))
Recycle it? Never heard of doing that with saltwater. I'll have to research that one.

Yeah put it in a clear barrel outside with some cheato, until the nitrates read 0ppm then add supplements to bring it back to snuff then re-use it.
For twenty years I have been watering my carpet grass and aloe vera plants with water from first a 135, then a 200 and now a 300 gallon saltwater aquarium. The carpet grass watered with saltwater looks no different than the other grass. My aloe vera plants cover a 3' x 3' area and are 3' tall.