DivineStler's 30 GAL LED "Rimless Lagoon"

That looks great!

Just one rock?

What corals
do you plan to keep

The rest of my rock is in my current tank. Going to move it over throughout the next couple weeks. Some of the corals are glued on with Coralafix.

This rock is going to be "Acro Island". Green Slimer, Superman, etc. etc. The right side is going to be another island with my current LPS and a few new ones. Frogspawn, torch, zoa, duncan, chalice and acans.

I've also got a pair of black and white clowns, a watchmen goby and a pistol shrimp. Acro Island has a nice sized cave for them to call home.
Picked up the ATO reservoir from Advance Acrylics. John did an awesome job, like always! It looks small, but holds about 2.5 GAL. That's 5-7 days worth at the rate I've been evaporating.



I also added more of my rock over the weekend. My large Frogspawn and Duncan are glued to the rocks, so they had to come along too. They both look to be doing really well so far. I've got a couple other small pieces of rock, but this is pretty much what the final aquascape will look like.

As you can see I also have a huge diatom bloom. Nitrates are starting to come back down, so I should be cycled by this coming weekend.


Here's a picture of the Frogspawn under the RB LED's. Them RB's really make the corals pop!

Took some pics over the weekend. Also made a little "stock list" spreadsheet to keep track of everything. Still working on the dosing, feeding and maintenance calendar.

I picked up a ORA Green Stylo at MAX and my buddy gave me a little piece of Green Acro. I'm not exactly sure what it is (ID??). Let's see if this thing can grow some SPS!

Current Stock...


30 GAL 24 x 24 x 12 Rimless Starphire
EcoXotic Panorama LED Fixture
16 GAL sump with center fuge
AA 2.5 GAL ATO Reservoir
SWC Xtreme 120 Cone Protein Skimmer
QuietOne 2200 Pump
Rena Smart Heater 150w
Vortech MP10 Powerhead
JBJ ATO System
Digital Aquatics ReefKeeper Lite Controller


Black and White Clownfish Pair
Watchmen Goby
Bullseye Pistol Shrimp
Peppermint Shrimp
Snails and Hermits


ORA Green Stylophora
Unknown Green Acro


Watermelon Chalice
Pink and Blue Chalice


Devil's Armor
Sunny D
Darth Maul
Pink Zipper
Vivid Rainbow
Paly Grandis
Tubbs Blue

Full Size Pictures Are Here






VERY NICE!!! Who made your tank??

Advance Aqua Tanks. I ordered it and the sump (CADlights) through AoA. AoA gave me a good deal and saved me a drive to LA and the IE! Good guys.

Looks so clean!

Thanks! Just running .ROX Carbon and Microbacter7 right now. Might start dosing vodka or bio-fuel in a bit. Still researching that. Dosing coral w/ B-Ionic 2 part and a little amino acid.
I've seen this tank in person, and it's rockin... The led's look awesome and the stands not too shabby either. Looks like the z's & p's are doing good huh. :) Keep those kaleidoscopes under high light for about another month, and watch the yellowish tint start to glow.
That is a really nice and clean tank. For building a stand for the first time you did a great job. I like that you can mount all the electrical on that upper side panel. Very Nice!
I've seen this tank in person, and it's rockin... The led's look awesome and the stands not too shabby either. Looks like the z's & p's are doing good huh. :) Keep those kaleidoscopes under high light for about another month, and watch the yellowish tint start to glow.

Thanks man! Yah all the Z's and P's are going good. The only one that didn't pull through was the Hawaiin Sticky Punch. It tried to open up a few times, but just never quite did. Moved it around a couple times, but it just didn't want to cooperate. I see little babies starting to grow on all the others though. The Devil's Armour frag is doing especially well. I see atleast 5 or 6 new polyps growing since you gave me it.

How's the JBJ working out? Did you get it filled for your cousin?
Filling it up this weekend hopefully. I've been busy doing family stuff. Sorry the HSP didn't pull through. Hit me up when u are in my area and I'll replace it with another for u. :)
nice tank!!
may i know what kind of wood did ya use for your stand? I'm in a process of making my own stand.
I'm not able to PM you (I think your PMs might be turned off?) but I was hoping you could tell me what you paid for the 24x24x12 tank and if it's a LeeMar tank?


nice tank!!
may i know what kind of wood did ya use for your stand? I'm in a process of making my own stand.

I just used regular old 2 x 4 for the base and 3/4" birch ply for the skins. Nothing special.

I'm not able to PM you (I think your PMs might be turned off?) but I was hoping you could tell me what you paid for the 24x24x12 tank and if it's a LeeMar tank?



I'm PM banned for 90 days by one of our friendly mods for having a sense of humor. Hopefully this post wasn't so funny I'll get perma banned. I'll throw in a quick joke just in case. Dumb Ohio Law # 123: It is Illegal to get a fish drunk.

I didn't buy my tank from Leemar. It's from Advanced Aqua Tanks. It was just under 500 for 3 sides starphire w/ two holes drilled.
Going to take some new pics this weekend. Got a couple new corals and the tank is really looking good! Getting good growth on the acro and everything else doing good. Think I'm going to add another blue EcoXotic module to give the corals a bit more pop during the growth cycle.