DIY canopy


In Memoriam
i want to build a canopy for my 125 gallon , but i am not a very good craftsman, could someone please give me dimensions of what it would need to be? and i alsi want to incorperate a retro MH/VHO set up into it so height would have to be good enough to accomodate those. also does anyone have pics of there canopies they made for a 125 that i could use for reference.
Sure, but give me alittle more info. I assume a regtangle? Is it agianst a wall?? Style ?? elaborate your needs.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6921857#post6921857 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rwiecki
Sure, but give me alittle more info. I assume a regtangle? Is it agianst a wall?? Style ?? elaborate your needs.
rectangle, away from wall about 18", also will be putting a retro MH and either a T5 or VHO set up in it, so the height will have to be high enough to accomodate this. thank you
The height is critical for MH. If you plan on keeping SPS make sure to use the correct wattage lamps/ballasts for your design.