DIY LEDs - The write-up

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I got some new optics in from etg tech today.

They sent 25, 40, & 60 degree optics.

I havent fired one up yet because I only have two XPGs and few ways to drive only one short of the 2 batteries trick ;-)

Here's a pic ( dont give me stuff about my flux residue. I'll learn to start cleaning it off someday ;-)


They are small and dont seem to interfere with my screw method. I plan to use them on my 6X stars so I have to do the layout.


I went to the etgtech com website, but don't see those optics. Can you give links?
Please, if anybody has comment on that I will appreciate because I want to place my order tomorrow. But I am not sure which one to buy!?!

The DWL is a personal preference thing. If you want more of an actinic purple look, get the lower wavelength bin. If you want more of a solid blue look, get the higher wavelength bin. If you're unsure, get the middle one. :)

For the brightness bin, There IS a significant difference - a bigger difference than between adjacent white bins. If you can help it, get the better bins.

I got some new optics in from etg tech today.

They sent 25, 40, & 60 degree optics.

Same questions as everyone else - how much? :D When can we see pics of them in action?


Want to place my order, should I get


I want to dim and I think I will need to run some optics on the whites as my tank is 24" from the water line to the sand.

I asked them if I could get some 60 and some 80 optics and if I can request Bin and color. You guys probably already know.



I would definitely go with the kit that uses XP-Gs instead of XR-Es. It's too bad that the XP-G kit doesn't include optics for the XP-Gs because they have a wider viewing angle than XR-Es which means you're even more likely to want optics on them. It's also really a shame that the XP-G kit comes in 50:50 split between royal blue and cool white, because that's probably too white for most people.

I bought a few cheap LEDs (700mA) off ebay, can i wire these up together with Crees on a 700mA driver?


Can you give us some specs or a datasheet on the LEDs in question?
To answer the questions about the optics:

those are the 20mm stars from ledsupply.

I dont know the cost of the optics, they were samples.

I'll fire them up as soon as I figure out a way to do it safely.
I have learned that not ALL ELN-60-48s regulate well enough to run just one or two LEDs.

Finally - dont try to fit an optic on a running array since:

1 - you are blind trying to look at it
2 - you will touch the lens and either move it & ruin the alignment or get melted plastic on the lens (they are HOT).

One of my XPGs on my frag tank had the optic fall off & I hadnt put it back on yet, so I thought I'd try to stick the new optic on while it was running.
Whatever I did - the LED is now yellow instead of the nice blue tint.
I probably ruined it.....

Here they are mounted and wired :celeb3:

Im interested in making my DIY LEDS. My tank is a 180gal (6feet X 2 feet X 2 feet) glass aquarium. I plan to make my tank SPS dominated and i want growth. many 3w LEDs do i need per 2 feet x 2 feet?
2. how should i space the LEDs on the heatsink?
3. what should be the size of my heat sink? square or rectagular?
4. do i need to put optics? 60 degree or 80 degree?
5. what wire should i use to connect to LEDs?

much appreciated on your suggestion and expertise. thank you.
Stu - I just called LEDsupply and they acted like I was a moron. Could you let us know what the name is of these optics?

They look great!

What Bin selction should I make when ordering Cool White XP-G's from cuttter

R5 brightness bin, and pick the color bin that matches your personal preference. Look in the binning and labeling guide here:

Look at the ANSI cool white graph, BOTTOM of page 9. The color bins are shown on a CIE1931 plot. Now, look at a CIE1931 representation:


"plot" the color bins over that representation and you'll get an idea for the tints. Basically, you want a bin that's on or very close to the BBL (the dotted line running through the middle of Cree's chart). Then, pick one that's more towards the left or right depending on how cool or warm you want the LEDs to appear.

Im interested in making my DIY LEDS. My tank is a 180gal (6feet X 2 feet X 2 feet) glass aquarium. I plan to make my tank SPS dominated and i want growth. many 3w LEDs do i need per 2 feet x 2 feet?
2. how should i space the LEDs on the heatsink?
3. what should be the size of my heat sink? square or rectagular?
4. do i need to put optics? 60 degree or 80 degree?
5. what wire should i use to connect to LEDs?

much appreciated on your suggestion and expertise. thank you.

Assuming you use "best of the breed" LEDs - R5 XP-G cool white and either XP-E or XR-E royal blues - mixed in a 40:60 ratio of cool white to royal blue (more or less 15kk color) and run at roughly 700mA drive current, you'll probably want to be in the neighborhood of 100 - 130 LEDs overall.

Heatsink size - just get enough heatsinks in whatever size/shape you want to give "good" coverage. It's OK if they stop several inches short of each wall of your tank and/or if there are several inch gaps between "panels". So, for instance, you might get 8" wide by 18" long heatsinks, run them oriented front to back, and use 6 of them. Then, just space the LEDs evenly across the heatsinks. There's no black art to this, you just need relatively consistent coverage if you want consistent light.

OR, you could take another approach. Design your LED rig so it is densely packed over the parts of the tank that will have corals, and there are only a few LEDs over areas that will be empty.

You'll most certainly want optics over a tank that deep; which optic will depend on which LEDs you use and how high above the tank you mount them.

Wire - for LED to LED on the array, you'll want something in the range of 22 - 26 gauge pretinned wire with good insulation.
Thank you for you suggestion DWZM. Just got three more questions before I proceed with my DIY.
1. Having the 130 LEDs on my tank, will it still make shimmering effect?
2. lets say I will be placing the LEDs 12inches from the water surface, what optics shall i use? Can I still get good coverage and better par at this height?
You will pretty much ALWAYS get shimmer with LEDs, no matter how many you have. In this hobby we often use words like "point source" incorrectly, or we draw incorrect conclusions from words like that. Shimmer comes from how laminar the light is (i.e. is it like a laser where everything is parallel, or is it highly diffused). LEDs will always be very laminar, and adding more of them doesn't really change that very much.

12 inches up, you'll be limited by optic choice for the different LEDs. XR-E have a pretty good selection. Meanwhile, the widest for the XP-Gs appears to be the "wide" optics from Carlco, which aren't very wide. Still they'd probably be your best bet. Unless Stu has managed to turn up something in the samples he has above.
I was in touch with ETG earlier today, and they've got 60º optics to suit XP emitters. Prices are slightly higher than the Carclo from LEDsupply (about $1.75 each for their standard unit price, may come down with numbers), but they seem reasonable enough. By the design of them, they definitely appear to need holders though, not sure how that'd affect prices.

I'm gonna get some soon enough to test out in comparison to a few different kinds of Carclo XP optics, will post my findings.

I have been reading all the great DIY LED threads for the last week and I'm finally ready to place an order but I was hoping some could review my choices.

I have a 120G tank (4 x 2 x2) which I would like to build two fixtures which will have 36 LEDs each with (24) Cree XR-E Royal Blue and (12) Cree XP-G whites. I plan on starting with a basic fixture but would like to have the option of dimming the fixtures in the future. Out of everything the Optics are what I'm most uncertain of so if you have any suggestions I would appreciate it. My tank is an in-wall tank so I can mount the light at whatever height is necessary.

Shopping List:
Quantity (48) - Cree XR-E Royal Blue Star
Quantity (48) - Wide Frosted Lens for Cree XP-G Star

Quantity (24) - Cree XP-G R5 Star
Quantity (24) - Carclo XR-E Wide Lens

Quantity (6) - MeanWell ELN-60-48B dimmable driver

Thank you for your time and input.
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