First of all, I want to say that I also think that this thread is the best thread that I reviewed. From reading various replys I believe that I have come up with my own LED plan that I would like opinions on.
My tank is a regular 55gal tank (48" L x 13" W x 20" H). I am currently running a T5 fixture (4bulbs - 2 10K & 2 Blue Actinic). I have some soft corals and one RBTA.
From what I have read in other forums, I will need about 48 LEDs/sqft. So I have decided on a pattern of 2 sets of 48 LEDs with a 50/50 mixture of Cool White XR-E & Royal Blue XR-E. I figure using 60deg optics with each LED and I am going to have it about 6inches above the water.
I am leaning towards using some Mean Well LPC-35-700W Drivers (1 driver / 6 LEDs), but, I am curious about the result of having multiple power cords from the drivers and only having a limited outlet. Should I use a power bar (with power surge) to tie the drivers to my outlet? Or is this what the use of a "wall wart", that I read about, is intended for?
I am also planning on using some fans to cool the whole system. But, I figure that that is the least of my worry. All of these LEDs will go on a heatsink, but, I want to use the fans to help prolong the life of them.
So, how am I doing so far????