getting ready to start assembly on my 75's LED hood. i went with 36 LEDs per side (18 blue/18 white). all will be driven by 12 buckpucks (6x 1000mA and 6x 700mA). so i know that they can be dimmed via 5k pots and will probably go this route at first, but want to get into a microcontroller like the Arduino eventually. has anyone done this yet? ive seen numerous sites where people are attempting it, and some accomplishing it via the PWM output - but theyre driving the buckpuck control pin directly from the Arduino - thats not appropriate for 12 buckpucks, though. ive seen schematics where folks recommend 1 transistor per buckpuck, and schematics that have a whole chain of buckpucks wired to 1 transistor. whats the consensus here?