DIY LEDs - The write-up

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dwzm, here is an example of the 10w which can be used for reefs, it has the right amount of kelvin, and there are also some with higher kelvin °. for the 3 w, i actually don't know ( the cheaper one?) could you give me an advice for that i'd like to know your opinion!
dr. v, it's important to understand that the kelvin temperature of a light source is not the only important specification. All it does is give you a very, very general idea of how the human eye will perceive the warmth of the light. It doesn't tell you how bright the light will be, or what the spectrum will "look" like to a coral.

That said, the LED you linked to is a Bridgelux 10w LED. It's an "ok" LED. It is rather inefficient compared to the best white LEDs out there, but all that means is you get a little less light per watt - it's not the end of the world.

It's going to be hard to get exact recommendations on using that LED though because very few people have run tanks with that LED in the long term (mostly because it's efficiency isn't that good) so we don't really know how a reef will react to it. If you want to use them, I would suggest ordering a few and trying them on a smaller tank with a few corals representative of your collection, so you can get an idea how things respond.
thank you dwzm, you've been very exhaustive with your answer, i guess i'll give em a try, what about the 3w leds, cree xp-g for example, how many should i buy for my tank? i'm pretty good at wiring so it won't be a problem for me, i would use a 2:1 white:rb but how many do i need for my reef?
Your dimensions indicate around 240 gallons. If you want to illuminate the whole tank evenly, I'd shoot for around 100 - 150 LEDs.

Keep in mind that you should probably choose the specific LEDs you're using before you decide on a color ratio, since LED choice will impact intensity for each color, which will impact the ratio you'd want to use to get a specific look in your tank.
ok, so its around 300-450w, if i would use 10w leds this means i have to use 30 - 45 leds, right? since cree xp-g here costs 5.99€ and the 10w costs 7.35€, this means cree xpg costs me from 600 to 900€, and 10 w equivalent costs me from 220€ to 330€, it's almost 3 times the cree, maybe the result wont be the same... but at what price? if you know where i can buy the xp-g at less i'd be thankful!
It will not be the same, the conversion doesn't work that way. Just a quick look at cutter's website, neutral white XP-G's on stars are $4.12 euros when you order 100 or more.
If 300w of XP-G would be OK for your tank, then you'd probably need at least 400w of the Bridgelux LEDs. The whole point is that it's not a straight watt for watt conversion, because for every watt consumed, the Bridgelux produce less usable light.
Also, price out your energy cost. Even if it's cheaper upfront to buy less efficient LEDs, the more efficient LEDs will use less power and essentially pay for themselves over time.
What would I do? Buy as many of the "best" LEDs as I could afford - in this case, probably some neutral white XP-G, cool white XP-G, and some royal blue XP-E. I would buy them in roughly a 1:2:6 ratio, respectively.

If I couldn't buy enough to evenly illuminate my entire tank from edge to edge, I'd just build several small arrays (say, 18 LEDs each) and place them directly over a few islands of live rock. That's the beauty of LEDs - it's easy to put the light only where you need it. You can't tell a MH lamp to not light up a 6" x 6" patch of empty sand, but if you're using LEDs, there's no reason to put them above that patch if you don't need light there.
wow this is a lot of reading!

I really want to switch out my 250W HQI Pendant over my 25G solana to some sort of DYI LED set up.

Can anyone suggest a previously done set up that I can mirror in design and output... I have been reading into the various threads and info is ridiculous especially for someone like myself that isn't big into electronics... I am still trying to understand the difference between the CREE XP-G and CREE XR-E LED's??

Can anyone point me to a good sight to purchase the things that I will need to make this. I have seen some LED tanks that look great and I'd like to save a little on the electic bill but still make my SPS colors pop!

any help is greatly appreciated!
I am still trying to understand the difference between the CREE XP-G and CREE XR-E LED's??

The XP-G is essentially a newer product. It is only available in white (there isn't much demand out "in the real world" for colored LEDs this efficient). There are a few main differences:

1) Efficiency. The XP-G is available in bins that are around 30% more efficient than the best XR-E. Because of this, the XP-G has a clear advantage for our purposes.
2) Viewing angle, aka coverage/spread: The XP-G has a wider angle, which means it spreads light over a larger area. This isn't really a positive or negative, especially since many builds use external optics anyways.
3) Physical size. The XP-G is a smaller device. This doesn't really make a difference for us though, since 99% of us are buying these pre-mounted to 20mm MCPCB stars.
^ wow thanks for the quick heads up!

So in order to get Royal Blue you have to buy those in the CREE XR-E version? So can you mix and match or do you stay with the XR-E only since the XP-G's are only availab le in white?

I am trying to find a sight that sells kits to make these any suggestions... sorry for all the NOOB questions it's just a lot of information to process im still use to old school MH is best thought but have seen some pretty sweet LED set ups especially on small tanks like mine that makes me wana switch.

I used to have a 180G tank but the 3 - 250's plus the closed loop and reactors killed me on the electric bill so if i can cut out this old MH from my nano that would be even better :)
Royal blue colored LEDs are available in the XR-E product or the XP-E product. XP-E can be thought of as a cross between the two. Only a tiny bit more efficient than XR-E, but smaller in size and with a larger viewing angle. There are, of course, lots of other royal blue LEDs out there, but those are the most common.

There's absolutely nothing wrong with mixing different models of LEDs. Although lots of different people are trying lots of different combinations successfully, the current "most popular" is probably to use XP-G for white and XP-E for royal blue.
That kit would be OK. I don't really like having optics on one color and not another, especially when the color getting the optics already has a narrower spread. It's kind of backwards logic and could easily lead to color separation/spotlighting depending on your build. Plus, that vendor doesn't tell you any bin information so there's no real way to know what you're actually getting in terms of output and color.

Cool white vs. neutral white is somewhat of a personal preference thing. Some people find that cool white LEDs make a tank look "washed out" or bland. Other people like them. Sorta like how some people like 10kk MH lamps and other people want 20kk lamps. IMHO the best course of action would be to order a few of each and experiment. Personally, I like a small number of neutrals mixed in with mostly cool white LEDs.
"Only a tiny bit more efficient than XR-E"? The XR-E now come in bin 16 last time I checked it was not in the data sheet. I believe this makes them as efficient as the XP-E. IMHO more so since the angle is less.

murph, That kit would work with the CAT4101 or the ELN D model this listed is dimmable Not sure of your question. Lenses help focus the light into the tank, but are not required. Me either on the NW vs. CW.
(dwzm) Sounds like a good logic "plug n' play"

Sorry to keep bugging you but can you recommend a web site that I can view that has all of this information plus sells the parts? I just want to make sure I find everything I need to do this correctly since it still isnt a cheap DYI.

Thank you so much for the detailed quick responces its helped alot!

TheFishMan65 this hole bin thing I dont understand quite yet sorry haha i am a total newb at the LED stuff i just want to do something my self and have it put out some cool colors any DYI kits u suggest?

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