Team RC
Will this work
From the RC LED guide on heatsinks;postcount=4994
("œPower of Single LED = 3.4 Forward Voltage X 700 mA = 2.38 W, Using a 3mm plate looks about 20 cm^2 per LED converting to inches is equal to 3.1 in^2")
I would be over in sq. inches 4.5 vs. 3.1
Heat sink 12" x 9" = 108, 108 / 24 = 4.5 sq. inches per LED,
And under in Watts @ 1.085 W vs. 2.38 W
3.1 Forward Voltage X 350 mA = 1.085 W
Heatsink 12" x 9" x 1/8 plate
2- Mean Well ELN-60-48D dimmable drivers
String A = 8 Neutral-White EndorStar + 2 Blue EndorStar @ 350mA
String B = 12 Royal-Blue EndorStar @ 350mA
Arctic Silver Premium Adhesive
Soldering iron is this ok, or is there something better
Aoyue 937+ Digital Soldering Station
$53.99 @
The link you posted is broken and I'm a bit confused what you're asking about when you say "will this work."
That iron is OK - it's the one I use so I may be biased but it's soldered plenty of LEDs just fine for me. Crank up the heat. Order a different tip when you get the iron, the one it comes with is very fine and very long, which is bad for soldering jobs needing lots of oomph.
I am using it to dim 4 eln-60-48d drivers
That supply will not work. It's providing 4.8v DC. For an ELN, you want 10v DC.
anyone used this thermal grease:
or got a link to some they would recommend. Need it for ~200 LEDs. Anything i should watch out for on grease?
I'm not picky about thermal paste myself but you probably don't want to try to order that particular product from digikey, as it's a non-stock item with a minimum order quantity of 220!