Negative. Use a tiny, TINY bit of two part epoxy. The tiny bit is so you can tear them back off without screwing things up if you want. Do not use superglue as that could fog the LEDs.
Yes, LED's is what I meantwisewendell; LEDs Man, L E D s not bulbs.
Have at it. You should use U channel though NOT tubing.
Nice report on the XM-L, are you able successfully fit XP-G optics over them? Like carlco? I noticed that my carlco XP-series optics leave quite a bit of space between the emitter and the lens when they're snapped on.
I calculated that you could drive 15 XM-L on one Meanwell ELN60-48 at 1300 mA producing a total of 7350 lumen. Or 16 at 1000 mA producing 6048 lumen.
But indead the color, that's the big question for now...
Yes, LED's is what I meant.
What is the advantage of U-Channel over tubing? I figured since there was more surface area the tubing would be better?
Great thread - incredibly helpful! Unfortunately, I don't trust my handiwork when it comes to electicity and water. I am curious though - Now that you folks pioneered amazing work and researched parts all the way to end of the Internet, what commercial LED fixture company do you think makes the best lights by performance & value for SPS?