Light Fixture
Light Fixture
12 ELNs does not sound good however, producing the effect i would like to see will stagger the times they fade up and down still, I think i`d rather stay away from large #s of ELNs.
I may have read this somewhere but, say if i made each section independent, multipal DIY controllers could run different strings off the same driver? Man , i think i`m making this deeper than it should lol. It`s to bad i don`t know of a like central controller that could tell each driver, "ok, driver 1 start fading up your 1st of 8 strings and, it`ll do it gradually till it gets to the max you set it for. Then fade up the next string on the the sun progresses through the day. Yeah, i know, that`s prob a pipe dream but, hey if i had the knowlege to make one do just that, i`d jump on it.
WILLE any input to post #6046? Or anyone for that matter hehe :rollface:
I just got home from work and i`m fried. Not thinking clearly atm. I have this gut feeling that the amount of LEDs i`m using per section and the type will make for a very good blend. I just have to get my ducks in a row with the right type of drivers before i do that group order.