Look for a hairline wire going to the heat sink. Check each pad to heatsink with your meter and make sure there is not contact. What is the voltage of the LPC. For 11 LEDs it should be around 33 probably higher depending on the model. If it reads closer to 24 then they are shorted. If near 33 then they may have gone bad.
Great Thread here! I just swapped out all of my VHO super actinics over my 450g reef to RB Crees, a DIY job for sure. I was not as interested in PAR with the blue, it was more just for the actinic pop. I added 96 of them over the tank, and the results were awesome. Now I am considering going and swapping out the 250watt halides for white/blue LED's. I read through many pages of the thread, and can't seem to find if there is PAR data for these CREE LED's...I realize the combination of lenses and drivers can change PAR, so I am looking for a general starting point to try and get similar PAR to a depth of 30" that I get with my 12k reeflux halides. Any PAR data will help! Thanks!
Looking for a controller to manage gradual fade-in fade-out 0-10v.
What is the Typhoon and is that a good option ?
Has anyone used the cree's on a 30" deep tank? I need lights for a 210g but am worried about penetration to 30". Thinking about ordering 1 250w mh with lumenarc reflector for the center and diy LED for the sides.
Anyone on board here who has a fixture just running Cree royal blue and Cree neutral white emitters? I keep hearing such good things about this combo I think I will be giving it a try. If we revisit the spectral distribution:
We can see that basically it is shifting energy away from the green part of the spectrum and more toward the yellow-orange-red. Heck, I am almost tempted to try a warm white/royal blue combo because this seems to come close to some of the bulbs (ie radium) that we love so much with the deep blue and then spike in the red and not a whole lot else...