probably not. First we need to know how many LEDs you will be using.Buckpucks can handle up to 6 LEDs per driver. Then do the math
Well, that's assuming he has a 24V PSU that can crank out the necessary current.
The math is simple:
- Each LED takes 3.7 volts. Volts "add up" as you add LEDs to a chain, so
- A 24 volt power supply can supply (3.7 x 6 = 22.2) 6 LEDs
- A 12 volt power supply can supply (3.7 x 3 = 11.1) 3 LEDs
=> The higher the voltage, the more LEDs you can use per driver.
However, if you're using the buckpuck drivers, they have a limit of 32 volts input voltage, and 32v PSU's are harder to come by (and more expensive) than 24v ones. Theoretically you could put 8 LEDs on each string if you're using a 32v PSU, but almost everyone here seems to have settled on 24v PSUs. Unless you want to blaze a different trail, it might be safest to do the same.
The following assumes you're using a 24 volt PSU.
Now you probably require more than 6 LEDs, so you need multiple buckpucks, and each buckpuck will require 1000mA (or, 1 amp) of current to drive its own string of 6 LEDs.
So, to use my own 90 LED design as an example (with 15 strings of 6 LEDs), I'll need a total of 15 amps of power at 24 volts if they're all running at 1 amp (in my case they're not, but let's keep it simple for now).
One PSU to handle 15A is an expensive option, so split it into 2, and get 2 of the 8.3A PSUs at ( ) for $20 each. I intend to drive 7 of the strings (the blue LEDs) from one PSU (which would use 7A of the 8.3A available) and 8 of the strings (the white LEDs) from the other PSU.
It's generally a good idea to give the PSU's some "headroom" as well, not to run them at their peak output constantly. In my case, to add slightly more margin to the PSUs, I'll be running the white-led drivers at 0.9 amps, not 1 amp, so the {white,blue} LED PSUs will have to supply (8x0.9)= 7.2 amps and (7x0.7)=4.9 amps respectively. I'm not using buckpucks though, I have a circuit with 8 drivers on it that costs a total of $30 (not $130!) in parts - just waiting on Digikey to deliver
So, to summarise:
- The voltage of the power supply determines how many LEDs each buckpuck can support. Divide by 4 to get number of LEDs.
- The current of the power supply determines how many buckpucks the PSU can support. Each amp of PSU can support one buckpuck.
- You can use the maths above to determine how many PSUs you need.