Team RC
the output voltage is 46.81V when connecting 14 in series, adjusting the SVR2 pot I can only reach amp draw as high as 422mA. (it reaches this number about halfway through the travel of the SVR2 potentiometer, turning it the rest of the way doesn't increase current any further) (dimmer pot set to 10V)
the output voltage is 42.04V when connecting 12 in series, with SVR2 set to 700mA (easily acheivable) and dimmer pot set to 10V
I haven't read your whole discussion so maybe I missed this, but have you ever touched SVR1? It's a voltage limit pot. Setting it low will cause the operation you are describing (it stops the driver from raising voltage high enough to hit the desired current). If you've never touched it, maybe it came from the factory too low. If I were you, I'd do this:
1) Configure the driver with 12 in series. Set SVR2 to give 700mA current
2) Configure the driver with 14 in series. Turn SVR1 up, while watching current. Stop when it gets to 700mA (maybe a fraction of a turn higher to allow wiggle room for environmental changes).
You made a point of mixing LEDs on a single driver - this is a complete non-issue with a single series string, as long as the current through the string is below the max for the lowest-rated LED. With parallel strings, you just have to ensure the makeup of each string is the same, i.e. you don't want 10 whites on one string and 10 blues on the other - you'd want 5 of each on each string.