Drug Enthusiast
Also, while we're talking electronics - can we talk about reducing fan speeds?
I bought 3 of the same 12v computer fan, rated at 0.12A current draw. I was going to wire them in series on my 24v supply to give them each 8v and quiet them down, but I think I'm already finding that this doesn't make them as quiet as I would like.
So I figured, what if I want to just give them each 6 volts, which means I would have to eat up another 6 volts: 24v from supply - (6 volts x 3 fans) = 6 volts left over
then 6v/0.12A = 50 Ohms resister necessary. But then I started thinking why am I guessing that 6 volts is really where I want to go to? And what if the published 0.12A current draw is not accurate, or there is some difference in current draw per volts across terminals? Then I took a cue from Kcress's thread http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1751598&highlight=budget and figured why not use a variable resistor? So I found the same series that he suggests, but this one can go up to 250 ohms resistance:
It's $5.90. I'd like to just wire it in series with the fans and tune it in accordingly. Does my whole rationale make sense? If it does, then I suppose anyone in this thread who wants to adjust the speed of their fans could do it....
I bought 3 of the same 12v computer fan, rated at 0.12A current draw. I was going to wire them in series on my 24v supply to give them each 8v and quiet them down, but I think I'm already finding that this doesn't make them as quiet as I would like.
So I figured, what if I want to just give them each 6 volts, which means I would have to eat up another 6 volts: 24v from supply - (6 volts x 3 fans) = 6 volts left over
then 6v/0.12A = 50 Ohms resister necessary. But then I started thinking why am I guessing that 6 volts is really where I want to go to? And what if the published 0.12A current draw is not accurate, or there is some difference in current draw per volts across terminals? Then I took a cue from Kcress's thread http://www.reefcentral.com/forums/showthread.php?t=1751598&highlight=budget and figured why not use a variable resistor? So I found the same series that he suggests, but this one can go up to 250 ohms resistance:
It's $5.90. I'd like to just wire it in series with the fans and tune it in accordingly. Does my whole rationale make sense? If it does, then I suppose anyone in this thread who wants to adjust the speed of their fans could do it....