DIY MP40 Extension cable


New member
Every time I try and mount an Ecotech pump driver, I always find that the 8' length of cord that goes between the dry-side and the driver, never seems to be enough length to insure that the driver will be far enough away to not be in danger of being splashed or subjected to saltwater degradation in some fashion.

So I in an effort to find a solution I made it my goal to find a way to extend my Ecotech MP40QD cable.

At first I attempted to contact Ecotech and see if they could help me. The response that I got was that they could lengthen the cable for me but that I would have to send the dry-side into them for service. I am very confident that what they were proposing would certainly work but the issue that I had with their plan was that, what they were providing was not an extension cable but that they would cut the cable of my new QD pump and splice in a length of cord. In other words, what they were doing was only good for 1 pump and if I had a pump failure, I would have pay for them to do it again. I didn't like that Idea at all. For one the cost for them to lengthen 1 cord was $50. By the time I had them lengthen 3 pumps (2 for immediate use and 1 for a backup) and pay to ship them both directions, I would have about $200 into it.

Back to the drawling board I go.....

My next idea was to scrounge through my box of junk and use the cords from old dry-side pumps and and make my own extension cable. The problem was that I apparently discarded or gave away my old MP40 dry-sides and could not find anyone that was willing part with any worn out or broken dry-sides that they had.

Back to the drawling board I go.....

My new modified my plan was to purchase some 10 conductor - 22 gauge shielded cable, 2 pair of Molex 10-pin connectors and a crimp tool and make my own cables. It took me a few tries to become proficient at getting the wire stripped back at the right length and making sure that the end was properly inserted in the tool. But once I did it a few times everything went well and I finished the cables without a problem.

My final product works perfect and I could not be happier. The cable that I made provides me an additional 5' of length which will allow me to house my driver in my equipment closet away from the possibility of any degradation caused by saltwater.

Thanks for looking,
Tom G
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I'd be a little nervous about the bare molex connectors. Is that how the pumps come from the factory? I'd think you'd want a molded boot around the back of the connectors. Or at least a piece of shrink wrap, or pack the back of the connector with dielectric grease.
Nice job!

I'd be a little nervous about the bare molex connectors. Is that how the pumps come from the factory? I'd think you'd want a molded boot around the back of the connectors. Or at least a piece of shrink wrap, or pack the back of the connector with dielectric grease.


I'd probably use some silicone to backfill/seal the connectors
I did this on a MP 60 years back all you need is to find wire with the same number of conductors and gauge, cut the cord on the MP40, solder and heatshrink each individual wire and the extensions done. Worked perfect.
I am looking to do this. Can you post a link to the materials you used?

Here are the Molex connectors:

Here is the wire (MP40ES):

Note that the wire used on the MP40ES is 10 conductor but the wire used on the MP40QD only used a 5 conductor wire. Not sure why they changed that.

I am building a set for my new QD pumps and here is the 5 conductor wire that I ordered for that. I am not sure that this wire will work as the description does not indicate the gauge of the wire but I thought that I would give it a try anyway.

Hope it helps,
I did this on a MP 60 years back all you need is to find wire with the same number of conductors and gauge, cut the cord on the MP40, solder and heatshrink each individual wire and the extensions done. Worked perfect.

I actually thought about doing what you had done and spliced in a section of cable but decided against it. Although the look of a splice shrink wrapped would have looked cleaner. The reason that i didn't was that if I cut the cord, any warranty on the pump would have been voided (not that any warranty with any aquarium equipment is worth the paper it is written on) and if I ever considered selling them, having to try and explain why and how it was done was something I didn't want to have to go through.
Here are the Molex connectors:

Here is the wire (MP40ES):

Note that the wire used on the MP40ES is 10 conductor but the wire used on the MP40QD only used a 5 conductor wire. Not sure why they changed that.

I am building a set for my new QD pumps and here is the 5 conductor wire that I ordered for that. I am not sure that this wire will work as the description does not indicate the gauge of the wire but I thought that I would give it a try anyway.

Hope it helps,
Yes, that's perfect. Thank you.

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